A simple action we can all take now! ctxt


Hi all,

Some members of the AR15.com discussion forums suggested I repost this note on other discussion forums. I encourage you to post this to other discussion forums and spread the word to your friends.

I thought of something we can all do to show our outrage over the new gun control proposals: send Clinton a tea bag along with a brief note explaining the purpose of the tea bag.

Here is the letter I sent off this week:

----------BEGIN LETTER----------

William J. Clinton
President of the United States of America
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, D.C. 20500

President Clinton,

I am writing to express my strong feelings against any new gun control legislation. It is absolutely disgraceful that you are taking advantage of the tragedy in Littleton to advance your political agenda.

It is bad enough that you have violated our sacred Bill of Rights with your 1994 “assault weapon” and hi-capacity magazine ban, but it appears that you are not through yet.

The only good thing I can say about you is that you have less than two years left in office. Hopefully, the next President will respect basic civil rights like self-defense and overturn your 1994 “assault weapon” ban and the subsequent bans you placed on the import of various firearms and ammunition.

Enclosed you will find a tea bag. Please consider it symbolic of my moral rejection of you and everything for which you stand.


----------END LETTER----------
I'll bet that having to test all of the tea bags really PO the FBI lab. :D


[This message has been edited by Gunslinger (edited April 30, 1999).]
There is no reason we shouldn't make money on this idea....buy stock in Lipton and Tetley tea companies :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I'm glad to hear you guys like the idea.

Don't forget to tell all your friends about it. Please do post a similar message on other gun-related discussion boards.

The more we get people excited about this, the better.
I mailed mine off this morning - along with 5 other letters signed by some of my close friends... We had a blast doing it too. I was given the honor of dropping them off into the mail box on the way to work... Wistled patriotic hymns while doing it too.

Damn! That felt GREAT!

You guys have put your foot in it now!
Tea Bags will be illegal next week due to
Executive Order! IMHO Hank
You know, I may just start sending the impeached President a tea bag and a note every week or so just so that he doesn't forget about my concerns.

Worst case, that's about 35 cents per week in envelopes, tea bags, and stamps. ...which is about $1.40 per month ...or $16.80 per year. Sounds reasonable to me.

Now what if lots of people started doing this :)
It is a great idea. Kodiac was right, It does feel good. I walked to the mailbox with this huge silly grin on my face! I hope clinton gets enough tea to last the rest of his days.
I don't know how I missed this at AR15.com, but I'm thankful you posted it here as well!

Mailed mine off today :)

~Douglas in CT :)
LOVE THE IRONY! Tea... China... Klinton!

Now, not to through a damper on things but might not Mr Klinton and the Secret Service take this as a threat and add the senders names to "The List". This could have some "Unintended Consequences" on future firearms purchases... expecially Class III. Yeah... while they can't (as of yet) deny any purchases the ATF4 (class III) could take a loooooooooooong time to clear.

Just a thought.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

"I, for one, do enjoy a big glass of iced tea. I think I'll just have to sacrifice one bag to the cause"

Who said it had to be an unused teabag? LOL

I didn't even think of that! But hey, my mailman is a nice guy. I'd hate to stick him with a soggy envelope. :D