A Short Poll

Ah yes, the World's Smallest Political Quiz... you'd be surprised at how many people score in the upper diamond. For myself, I'm at the top. (surprised?)

I carry several copies of the printed version in my wallet and leave them at restaurants, bookstores, on my desk, wherever. Just my little effort to undermine the GOP. And the Dems. :D

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson
Make me a right-conservative. This should be of little suprise. I would like to see a similar test that goes into a little more detail. Some of the answers don't give alot of room for nuance.

Coinneach, I always thought that there was something slightly subversive about you! LOL!
It was a fun poll.

I took it and of course came out on the
top point. No suprise.

Then I took it 4 more times, just to see if there was any real difference between a hard righter and hard lefter. No suprises there either.