A shipment of Greek .303 will arrive.

Having read that this has not arrived in the US for years, this is a dumb question, but is it really coming from Greece, or somewhere else?

The Europeans had supposedly forced the Greeks in the past to agree Not to export any of this to the US.
We know how desperate they are for cash, and the Europeans will still loan them many billions of Euros (even the British are also being forced by the EuroZone to 'fork out' heaps...wait for Spain, Portugal...).

The ammo should arrive in about two weeks, based on comments on another website about a US distributor's info, and list for about .50/round, reloadable.

To confuse the issue a bit, one or two US companies now sell old .303 ("RG") surplus which is not very cheap and Not reloadable (Berdan).
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Spain is next, I heard their credit rates went south today.

That HXP should be here after the holiday, .46 a round. I'm on the list for 200 rds.
Greek .303, or .30-06? I had some Greek Olympic brand ammo in 7.62/39 and .30-06 commercial. It was in a white and kinda goldish box... and to date- it was the ablsolute worst ammo I attempted to fire! Now the milsurp HXP is some dandy stuff and I would likes to have much more of that!
It is reportedly .303 for classic, standard Lee-Enfields, being shipped to SOG.
It's not fair to keep the name anonymous, and it will become known.

An interesting thing about the caliber is that the typical designation ".303 British" often means Pakistani-made (POF), or somewhere else outside the UK.

Either JGsales or AIM listed some "RG" two days ago, but having Berdan primers at their price does not seem attractive.
Classicarms (Deer Trail, NC) also has some with the same primers and they might still have some LE #4 rifles.
Classic also received a batch of good Czech VZ-24 8mm Mausers, plus some Yugo 8mm ammo.

Maybe the Greek primers in this new .303 shipment, although Boxer, might have the same sealant as some old Greek HXP cases I bought, which is very difficult for my Lee gear to punch out? Prvi works much better.
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There has been some contradictory info about the SOG ammo.

A guy at "Gunandgame" indicate that some is Greek and some is British-made.
A bunch of it seems to have corrosive primers.

At "Surplusrifle", the info is also different than what people first believed.
Seems like guys are starting to get this stuff...all 1950s Brit surplus, nowhere near the quality or value of Greek HXP. Might have come from Greece, but it sure ain't Greek.
If the desired Greek ammo originated recently in That bankrupt country, then there could easily be more on the way.

The British and Europeans now live in terror of a cascading bankruptcy crisis, and will loan the Greek govt. vast heaps of cash, whether the Greeks make the courageous:rolleyes: move to export more of their (although against Euro regs) surplus military ammo or not.

Gandog: have you read Frenchy's comments at G&G?
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