A separate FORUM for autos. See told you so...


New member
I knew these new fangled shellshuckers were just a passing fancy. Just couldn't compete on the same forum with the real handguns, SINGLE ACTION SIXGUNS [all genuflect here please ], hey!! It's okay laddies and lassies. All is forgiven. Come on back to the real Mccoy and you'll never find another case in the mud.

"genuflect"? Is that anything like the rush-hour-freeway-one-finger-wave? :D

By the way, aren't you the one that wrote an article several years ago (published in the G&A Handguns Annual IIRC) about putting adjustable sights on a 3" S&W 36?

If so, I'd like to thank you (and give you credit) for giving S&W the idea. My model 60 with 3" full lug barrel and adjustable sights is just so sweeet!
the m36 with real sights...hot damn..

Well I mean to tell you. you done have an excellent memory, my friend. Yep, that was me and still is , I guess. I still have that M36 in the menagerie somewhere too. It has outshot several K38's of my friends, one of whom was so PO'd about it he dumped his "cherished" K38 next day at a gun show. I still kid him about it.
Those M36-6 and M60-4 underlugged SMITH 38's were great little revolvers. I ended up selling both of mine after just shooting the bejesus out of both of 'em. The M60 took 38/44 handloads like a champ; ye gads, I shot some preposterous stuff through that fivegun.
Thanks for remembering about a neat gun, and me.TM
Hello, Mr. Murbach. I really enjoyed your handloading articles years ago on the 9mm. Have you noticed CorBon harming any pistols in this caliber? Best.

I get every tech call that comes in here and I'm here to say the CORBON does NOT damage 9MM pistols. We load our 9MM ammo to SAAMI specs and all modern 9MM pistols are built to those same specs. Are there guns out there that don't like our ammo? HELL YES! There are just as many that don't like WW, RP, FED, CCI, BHA, PMC, etc etc, and every combination thereof. Guns are like people; they all have their own tastes and if you don't cater to them they'll make your life miserable.
My personal PT92/99 has 9800 rounds through it, the vast majority were our 9MM-115 seconds. AIN'T HURT A THING YET! My new CZ85 has gobbled up thousands of those seconds and ain't burped yet. All my Smiths too, shot the livin' snot out of them and they all still look brand new. Shootin' does not hurt guns. They were meant to be shot; they love it as much as we do...now go shoot up that ammo you've been hoarding, we're gonna make more...