a salted rifle


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great site! http://civilliberty.about.com/msubgaw.htm?pid=2771&cob=home



Colt AR-15 caliber .223 to date 279,600
Springfield Armory Inc. M14A caliber .308 to date 60,000
Springfield Armory Inc. R3 (Copy of HK91) cal. .308 to date 1,000
Springfield Armory Inc. FAL caliber .308 to date 6,000
Springfield Armory Inc. BM59 caliber .308 to date 500
Ruger Mini-14 caliber .30 to date 500,000+
Commercial and surplus US M1 .caliber .30 to date 700,000+
US Government sales and GI souvenirs US M1 cal. .30 to date 1,500,000+

China AK-type rifles caliber .223 and 7.62mm to date 90,000
China SKS w/detachable magazine 7.62mm to date 25,000
Finland (Valmet) AK-type rifles caliber 7.62mm to date 16,000
Hungary AK-type rifles caliber 7.62mm to date 7,000
Yugoslavia AK-type rifles caliber 7.62mm to date 4,000
Israel Galil .223 and .308 to date 9,000
Israel M14 (built from surplus parts) .308 to date 16,000
Israel FAL (built from surplus parts--Armscorp) .308 to date 3,000
Argentina FAL (Armscorp) .308 to date 4,000
FN FAL and FNC .308/.223 to date 25,000
West Germany (HK91) caliber.308 to date 38,000
West Germany (HK93) caliber .223 to date 8,510
Beretta BM-59 caliber .308 to date 2,000
Switzerland SIG 510 and SIG 550 caliber .308 and .223 to date 1,000
Austria Steyr AUG caliber .223 to date 5,000
Korea K1 and K2 (similar to AR-15) caliber.223 to date 25,000
Miscellaneous to date 25,000
Don't tell the Gov.

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry


ICQ no. 46780559
Oh, by the title of your post, A salted rifle, I thought is was something else.
I was ging to say down here in the Sonoran desert we usually cook 'em with some lime juice and chili powder. Got to bone 'em first or they're tough on the teeth. 8-)

Joe Portale
Sonoran Sidewinder
Tucson, Arizona territory
Maybe it's just me but I think some of these numbers are a little low. Only 3000 Marlin Camp Carbines? More Galil's than Hungarian or Yugoslavian AK's? I've got nothing to back this up but I demand a recount.
Interesting, does anyone know where I can get one of those Ruger Mini-14's in calibre .30? I tried to force a .30 into mine, but it just won't go, it only takes those dinky rounds. ;)
Mal H.,

The figures probably came from BATF. You don't expect them to know anything about guns, do you?

from the same site:

In the months after Pearl Harbor, Japan seized several Alaskan islands, and military strategists feared more Axis landings. But the regular army and the
National Guard had been sent overseas into combat. So the Governors of Hawaii, Virginia, and Maryland called the militia to duty. Maryland Governor
O'Conor summoned "members of Rod and Gun Clubs, of Trap Shooting and similar organizations," to "furnish their own weapons" for the purpose of
"repelling invasion forays, parachute raids, and sabotage uprisings," as well as patrolling railroads and beaches.

It has been more than 40 years since the last invading troops left American soil. No invasion is plausible in the foreseeable future. But Constitutional
rights are for all time. Only the most naive believer in American omnipotence or the nuclear umbrella can feel certain that America will never again need the

Even if an act of God forever shielded America from foreign invasion or domestic tyranny, there is still the risk that America may again find itself in an
overseas war. Basic training is hardly enough time to master an assault rifle. A study by the Arthur D. Little research firm concluded that shooting
experience with "military type small arms prior to entry into military service contributes significantly to the training of the individual soldier." In the next
war, American soldiers who have learned about military rifles as a civilian hobby will likely save the lives of their fellow soldiers whose only experience
with firearms is a membership card in Handgun Control.