A review of the Traditions Yukon


New member
Well I done went & did it, I bought a Traditions Yukon .50 muzzleoading rifle for strictly hunting & let me tell you so far I'm impressed with this weapon that only cost me $119.00.

For over a week I've been toying with the idea of getting a strictly hunting rifle but not wanting to spend a lot doing it being that I allready had 2 fine rifles "Repro Remington Zouave .58 & a near 50 year old Hawken rifle .54" but to me a .58 caliber is a bit much for Deer & maybe an occasional Bear & I'm a little leery having my Grandfathers Hawken out in the weather possibly getting dammaged, so this is where I have come to..

I settled on the Traditions Yukon for the basic inline ignition design which makes it that much more sensible for a hunting weapon & ofcorse the price.

First look was some what impressive with good lines & fairly tight tolorences in the action the only deterent was the PLASTIC OPEN SIGHTS but being that I had thought of installing a good scope on this rifle I didn't give it much thought at all till I shot it yesterday.

Since this rifle had come with 15 saboted .44 caliber Hornady 240gr. XTP's I thought to get another pack to see what it'll do along with some Hodgdon Triple Seven .50 50gr & .50 30gr. pellets & some Winchester 209 primers, & out to the range I went.
I started out with just the open sights "because I wanted to see what I can do open before I installed a scope" & started with a 80gr. charge at 50 yards & amazingly from the bench I was hitting just slightly left & slightly low!
Thinking that I want this to hit dead on at 100 yards I set the rear up to the next large notch & tried my luck at that range, amazingly I was hitting just a touch low & ofcorse slightly left so after a little adjustment I had this baby hitting pretty dead on at 100 yards, & I'm thinking that this isn't bad with just 7 shots!

So I changed my targets & shot these...


Yeah I screwed up on my first shot by not drying the barrel with a second primer like I should have & got the ever familiar POP then BANG telling me I should have did better, but the other 2 shots were right at the X just a little right which may have been me "at that distance my eyes aren't that sharp even with my glasses on."


This one I aimed right at the X to see how high it was going to hit from the bench & then the third shot I managed to put it right at the X by just slightly aiming lower, the red tape I placed there to see if I could hit what I was aiming at off hand & to my surprise I hit it exactly & the next shot was slightly right which was my doing, admittedly.


Well as you can see, the Traditions Yukon is a pretty good inexpensive muzzleloader & even with the PLASTIC open sights it is a pretty good shooter, I may wait to get a scope for this one & see how my season this year turns out...

BTW I've decided to stick with the 80gr. charge of Hodgdon Triple Seven & the Saboted 240gr. Hornady .44 XTP's because since they shoot so good for me yeasterday & by Hodgdon's web sight this rifle should be in the range of 1600fps. 1360ft. lbs. which should be plenty to take on a Deer &/or Black Bear out to 100 yards.
Thanx.. :)
Yes it does seam I have a pretty good shooter, the only minor drawback is that you really have to limit your shooting to 3 shots between cleanings because the breach block does tend to stick due to fouling & the relative tight tolorence there but other than that it's exactly what I was looking for, & besides outside of an occasional range time to be sure of my sighting I doubt that I'd get more than 2 shots off during a days hunt so it's all good in that department.. :)
Good shooting! :) I have a Traditions Thunderbolt. It shoots well, but my complaint with it is lack of a replacement aftermarket stock - I'm stuck with this dreadful plastic. But it was only $99; what do I expect?

P.S. I really want to have my gunsmith gun & crown this baby at about 22", but then the cleaning rod would stick out too far - anyone have an idea of how to shorten it or buy a shorter one? I need the threads on both ends obviously.

P.P.S. On the Traditions rifles, word is that you shouldn't use more than about 120 grains of BP or Pyrodex, nor more than about 100 grains of Triple 7, to be safe. These Spanish made rifles are not strong enough (supposedly) to contain 150 gr loads.
FirstFreedom, go to this outfit and click on "ramrods & accessories" in the left hand column. They will cut a ramrod to order out of different materials for no extra charge (If a ramrod is an inch or two longer, it might not matter though).

First Freedom:
From what I understand the Remington Genesis is essentially the same rifle as the Traditions Yukon except ofcorse the reciever end & the Remington's barrel being 28" instead of 24" for the Traditions, but they both are made by the same manufacturer.
Now granted, 80gr. of Tripple Seven seam to work quite well for me in keeping good groups at 50 & 100 yards but being the Remington Genesis is rated by Remington to be a 150gr. capable rifle I wouldn't see why the Traditions couldn't either, but then again with a 4" shorter barrel the accuracy may begin to suffer when you go past 100-120gr. charge.