A real hatchet job

Gale McMillan

Member In Memoriam
Our local Fox TV station sent a reporter out to our rifle shop to get information on the 50 cal. He said he was a shooter and wanted to present our side of the story so Rock helped him do a 15 minute presentation. Rock thought it couldn't hurt to get our thoughts aired. When I found out about it I went into a raving tirade that you can't trust the Bast---s And sure enough when it aired it was a real hatchet job! The standing rule in our shops is If they call HANG UP and if they walk in throw their butts out. No exceptions!
Feeling conflicted here: Personally, I would do this. Agree to give them info and quotes for this story if and only if they sign a document (which you will have prepared and ready) guaranteeing that they will air as part of the story a complete quote from you, the length of which and content of which will be determined by you (and the promise will be spelled out in writing) - enough to ensure that your main pro-gun point du jour is made - basically this would prevent them from editing you out of context - it still may be a biased story, but at least you're guaranteed one complete good point. Then explain to Mr./Mrs. reporter that you will gladly help if they will have their authorized agent sign the agreement. There will also be a clause stipulating damages at say, $25,000 or so, if they violate the no-edit agreement. They can take it or leave it. Chances are 1 in a million they will take it, but at least you give off the impression that you are willing to provide input if they will just be fair and sign the agreement promising not to take you out of context, instead of appearing totally uncooperative - makes you look like the merits of your side are weak. Then I'd be curious to see whether they would report "McMillan would not return our calls for the story" or report the truth "Since we would not agree in writing, as McMillan requested, to give him a certain amount of air time, we would not/could not obtain his comments". If they have any integrity at all, it will be the latter.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited November 23, 1999).]
Gale is right. Just say NO!
I've been interviewed a few times
and you are at the mercy of the
editing room. You are regarded
as a commodity to be used as seen fit.

Most times an exponent of the RKBA says
they will go on the tube and they will
make the case - they lose. I've
seen Lott treated like sh#t on talking
headshows, where the hosts were openly
rude and mocking.

No professional journalist is going to agree to those terms. Not one. Every interviewee asks to see the article before it's printed or the spot before it's aired, and it just isn't done. They aren't going to bother saying that a certain person or company refused to comment, either, unless the story was specifically about that person or company. Gale, had it right. Hang up and don't waste your time.
You said it Gale. My father was interviewed for a TV story and they omitted his best material and misprotrayed his less important statements as his major view. He swore right then never to talk to the media.

Unless you know that media person's track record and the views of their employer (like Soldier of Fortune or Le Kepi Blanc), don't say anything. The Dogs of the Media aren't there to inform but, in the tradition of William Randolph Hearst, to sell advertising time/space. Hearst Lives!

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
And where do we send the polite nastygram about the media idiot to? We got Rosie canned from K-Mart, this chump should be a cinch.

Zero tolerance = Zero intelligence
If he was a shooter - then he would already know about the .50 cal.

"If you dont know - I can't tell you."

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called:
craigz - read my prior post - completely. The point is not that they will accept the deal; it's that you appear reasonable and cooperative, if only they would be reasonable - what could be more reasonable than agreeing not to take you out of context? Then at least they'd be lying if they said "[so-and-so] refused to return our calls".
It is Nov sweeps time. If there was no positive attribute to the story, I highly recommend a complaint to the FCC with a request to revoke or suspend the station's broadcast license. Send a copy to the station manager also. It is a violation of 'rigging, biasing, or slanting the news'.