A ray of hope


Staff Alumnus
I just had a thought that considerably brightened my normally gloomy outlook.

I'm seeing a bit more balanced representation of gun owners in the print media (like the recent LA Times article being discussed in another thread). At the same time, I'm seeing the bannits get increasingly shrill and hysterical, and making unprovoked attacks on gun owners in general and the NRA in particular.

Could this be a cause-and-effect situation?
Could the bannits be fearful of losing control, and could that fear be driving their own destruction and their hysteria causes more and more neutral people to side with us?

God/Allah/Yahweh/whatever, I hope so.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
It is simply the calm before the storm. Look for extreme bashing of gun owners and gun ownership as the presidential election nears.

I made the same prediction about Pat Bucannon. I said, right here on this forum, if Pat Bucannon ever gets a serious shot at the presidency, that he would be villified, bashed and detroyed. He is now being called a Natzi by the all powerfull media power brokers. That is reason enough to vote for him......the media power brokers don't want him and that's just the reason we should vote for him! HE ain't no Natzi!! That's for sure!!