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A Rant


New member
I see a thread in tactics and training about using two pistols with two hands. I write a great reply using historical data and links that takes me 15 mintutes to write, time I should be doing my job. I go to post...no wait, spell check first to make my post a step above...OK and I push submit....thread is closed???? What happened??? Must have happened in the 15 minutes while I was typing my post. Must be something serious. Did someone say post a dirty word, slander someone, or break another TFL rule??? No in just two short pages, most of which was taken up by a hiccup post error, the thread was was thought to have "Run it Course" and closed. Wow, we can go on for weeks discussing proper use of the English language (again this is a SWAT/Gun forum), and we can be showing pics of our weapons for almost a year now, but one active discussion about an actual shooting tactic, on the tactics and training forum mind you, gets closed for no good reason. Do not want to get anyone in trouble, but it is just annoying.
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I agree with u, I just saw how many of the threads I've responded to that were shut down. I like to think that most of the time they're shut down for good reason, maybe I gotta rethink my theory..
In general, we post a reason for closing.

In this case, Denny Hansen posted:
Question: Is it practical?
Answer: No, but it can be fun.

This one's run its course.
His forum, his call. He has no way of knowing who's composing at the time of the closing.

We do the best we can.
Just a little warning would be nice. :) Dare I say, I had an interesting response that is lost forever in cyberspace, bringing up historical tactics used by pirates and 1860's gunslingers. But hey, who want to hear that when there is an thread regarding Liberian Militia that started with obvious racist (rules??) overtones is still able to continue.

In my frustration I also noticed that multiple threads started by one member were shut down for "dare I say" minor, almost nit-picking reasons, while other rule breaking threads are allowed to stay open. I don't get it?
We are not omnipresent. Staff gets paid nothing. They have no vested interest other than a civil board. They don't read every single word of every single post. They don't catch every single transgression. They are not house servants.

I'm sorry if you feel you wasted your time on one post. Imagine the time we waste on thousands.
MB, if the forums reject the reply because the thread is closed, go back a page, copy your reply, and save it as a text document. If you feel like it later, you can start a new thread (as long as it's topical) or post it as a reply to another similar thread that hasn't been sidetracked.

I do that a lot, and not just when the thread has been closed. I have about 50 saved posts that for one reason or another I never posted here.
I am sorry to hear that Mikeyboy.
Did you save your text?
People like you, that take time and put effort into making their posts as accurate as possible, help to make this site "The leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts."
Thank you. :)
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