A question for those in the know...


New member
From what I read, the 106th Congress is nearing adjournment. What happens to bills that never made it all the way through? Do their sponsors have to start from scratch in the next session, or do they take them up from where they left off? I'm asking because for one thing, I searched around a bit and couldn't find the answers, and for another, there are a few pro-gun bills I've been watching that progressed a little way but will probably not advance any further before adjournment. I am wondering what will become of these bills.

And what of the Juvenile Injustice bill? If a compromise isn't hammered out before adjournment, are we okay, at least for this session?

Thanks in advance.
106th is nearing what is more of a recess. End of session, not congress.
A congressional session runs one year, but there are two sessions of each congress. Bill carryover until we get to the next election.

Sorry to say, there are still alot of UGLY bills that can pop back up next year.

(if i remember correctly)

[This message has been edited by Eric Blair (edited November 05, 1999).]
Ahhh...I didn't even know about the session part of it, with there being two per congress, etc., etc...

Thanks, Eric.