A question about Mac-10 pistol to NFA SBR

Evil Monkey

New member
Is this possible? Can one get a semi-auto Mac-10 pistol, obviously with a barrel under 16 inches and no butt stock attached, and get it turned into an SBR by placing a butt stock onto it?

Or would it be better if you were to get a Mac-10/11 carbine and just have the barrel shortened to register it as an SBR?
$3,000 is stupid. It's more economical to get a $300-400 carbine or pistol and then add another $200 for tax to make it an SBR......unless I'm missing something here....am I?:confused:

BTW, I'm only 18 and live in Michigan so I'm asking questions for future reference.
I'm not sure if the frames on the MPA's, etc., will allow you to stick a stock on, but if you can figure out a stock you like that'll work, file the form 1. Why have someone else's name engraved, when it can be your own!:D

Just visited the link. Monkey, use your newly reacquired MI rights and buy the MG. $3K is not a lot of $$$$ for that.
Monkey, use your newly reacquired MI rights...

Wait...previously, if a MI resident wanted a MG, then he would need a C&R license to get a C&R MG. Now you're telling me that MI residents can get ANY MG on the market?

If true=:D
im pretty sure you need to get a manufacturing license too and yes mi residents can get mg's now why dont you go ahead and get what you relly want (whisper) full auto :p
none of the semiauto versions will accept a retractable stock.not only is the slots welded shut where it goes but the semiautos use a hammer and searbar which takes up the space that the retractable stock uses. the only exception to this is an open bolt semiauto,which have been made verboten to make as these are very easy to modify to FA.only way on these is to buy one already an open bolt...costing nearly a grand,get the stamp and have at it.one thing you should know about those retractable pieces of junk,they come unlatched at the worst possable times.

the other option is buy the stamp,add a stock that attaches outside the lower receiver,llike the semi carbine version or any one of numerous ar or hk style stocks...these cost upwrds of a couple hundred too,excepting the carbine stock.