A progunner Speaks At A Gun-Control Symposium


New member
I saw this posted on Men's News Daily, a pro gun rights and father's rights news site. It's one man's report of his experience speaking as the designated pro-2nd Amendment speaker at the Duquesne University 2008 Gun-Control Symposium. Only he wasn't quite the slathering token that they expected. Here's his report and there's a lot to learn from it. Full Text

The National Symposium on Handgun Violence was held at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, on April 9, 2008. Ten of the leading gun-control advocates in the nation were scheduled for a coordinated review of “reasonable” limits on the right to keep and bear arms, led by Jim Brady himself, along with David Hemenway of Harvard and a host of others. News of the event and its surprise ending (covered at the end of this report) has not made national headlines.

A courageous decision was made to provide “balance,” which meant the organizers eventually found me (thanks to a referral from Alan Gura, Dick Heller’s attorney in the D.C. gun-ban case). They got me last-minute non-stop tickets from Phoenix, a room (a very nice room I might add), and 15 minutes at the podium. Ten against one. Hah. I had them outnumbered.
Very good read and exactly how I have been arguing we need to go after those in the middle.

We cannot be perceived as frothing at the mouth militia members. We cannot dryly recite statistics, the text of the 2A, the definition of the words when it was written and the writings of the Founding Fathers and expect it to be more than preaching to the choir. We need to use emotion and do so intelligently.

The article was a perfect example of how to do that.
That was a pretty good essay. I bet I know somebody who'll never get invited back. Next time they'll try to find some Klan knuckle dragger instead. :(
Very refreshing read, thanks for posting.

Musketeer's points are spot on as well, we needed someone like Korwin who can get the message across without the usual that we here are so accustomed to.
You instinctively understand the value of guns. You just want someone else to hold it for you. But Jeff Snyder, in his landmark book Nation of Cowards, suggests it is unethical, immoral and politically corrupt to entrust your right to and precious gift of life to someone else.

I don't like this line. A little too abrasive.
Thank you, that was truly an outstanding piece of work. As effective as you were, I'm sure you won't be invited anywhere else with an anti-gun agenda unfortunately.

I'd be thrilled to be proven wrong. Please let us know if this is aired.
Alan has been studying the vocabulary of the gun rights issue for years now, and I can think of no better person to represent gun owners at an anti-gun conference.

Like he says, "say 'civil rights,' not 'gun rights.'"

It matters. A lot.