A Problem With Guns?


New member
I found this site a few months back when I was on another board, It has some really interesting points about the REAL problems with guns, If you look at any sites on the web today, PLEASE give this one a look. It is sorta long, but well worth the time. Thanks Cuz http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.39/gun_problem.htm
Its called :A Problem With Guns? by Robert L. Kocher, and here is a small excerpt from it:Few national struggles create as much fear and animosity as gun control.
And few national struggles are driven by as much fear and animosity as gun

Is there reason to control guns because "guns kill people"? Fifty years ago there were few prohibitive gun laws in the United States. Rifles and shotguns could easily be purchased over the phone from magazine ads in
many of the hunting and firearms magazines. I lived in a Midwestern city that had one of the largest small arms dealers in the country, if not the world.
They conducted their business over the phone and through the mail from
magazine ads. In some ads at other dealers, 20mm antitank rifles were available.

Yet, with the exception of the fantasies in old James Cagney gangster movies, in the 40s and 50s the streets of America were safe beyond anything remotely imaginable today. Millions of veterans had returned from the war with millions of military weapon souvenirs. America was swarming with rifles and pistols, and the crime rate was low. Even in 1962 when I was
in the army near Washington, D.C., later to become the murder capital of the world, one could take a nap on a park bench with no fear of being bothered.

It goes on to say what is really wrong with the USA , and its not firearms, its a whole lot more.-----Cuz