A poll on Janet Reno's idea

Hmmm, Seems there's a group of people out there that think this is a good idea... 45% say "good idea"; 55% "bad idea"
Looks like they closed the poll, however there are some other interesting ones. Hope they have one on Reno and Waco. (evil [g])

Have you ever used cocaine?
Should the BLM withdraw access to 3,759 acres on Beaver Rim to protect the Desert Yellowhead plant? (Big NO on this one)
What do you think of Jesse Ventura?
What's the best answer to the question, "Have you ever used cocaine?"
Is past drug use by political candidates a legitimate campaign issue?
Is censorship doing more harm than good?
Will Clinton's School Violence Public Service Announcement Help Keep Our Kids Safe? (81% NO)
What should be the first thing that George W. Bush does when he is elected? (Interesting options, but what's this WHEN crap?)

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
I took the poll. Then I dumped all my cookies, temp files, temporary internet files, wiped out the History folders, even cleaned out the Recent and Documents folders. Then I emptied the waste basket.

Then I tried to vote for my wife but could NOT get to the poll! How'd they do that!

What the poll closed? Are they copying down my IP (whatever THAT is)?

My family has been disenfranchised! I'll sue! What about the votes from my wife, three daughters, my Mother, my Dad, my Aunts and Uncles (poor Uncle Louie!), and the vote I was going to cast in honor of Lyndon Johnson?

Danged pollsters are getting too good for their own britches. Not permitting the honored dead to vote! Why it's unTexan! That's what it is!

(How'd they DO that?)(((And how can I get "around" it?)))

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited August 27, 1999).]
Dennis, I've done similar polls, and have had luck turning off the cookies (through your Preferences) and all before I log into the site. Sometimes that doesn't even work. Don't know how they do that in such a sophisticated manner, perhaps via the ISP #, but for the more mundane polls or less technologically sophisticated websites, disabling all that stuff before you even click in doesn't allow the cookie stamp in the first place. That's just my take on it, though.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
When you visit a web site, your browser sends several tidbits to the server, including your IP address. Gathering and acting on such info is not difficult.