A "Plot" to kill Obama?


New member
Wow, I cannot believe I am the first to post this here. I would have thought someone else would have posted this long before.

Plot to Kill Obama: Shoot From High Vantage Point
Written by Brian Maass and cbs4denver.com staff
Section: Democratic National Convention Section
Brian Maass
E-mail DENVER (CBS4/AP) ―
Denver's U.S. attorney is expected to speak on Tuesday afternoon about the arrests of four people suspected in a possible plot to shoot Barack Obama at his Thursday night acceptance speech in Denver. All are being held on either drug or weapons charges.

One of those suspects spoke exclusively to CBS4 investigative reporter Brian Maass from inside the Denver City Jail late Monday night and said his friends had discussed killing Obama.

"So your friends were saying threatening things about Obama?" Maass asked.

"Yeah," Nathan Johnson replied.

"It sounded like they didn't want him to be president?"

"Yeah," Johnson said.

Maass reported earlier Monday that one of the suspects told authorities they were "going to shoot Obama from a high vantage point using a ... rifle ... sighted at 750 yards."

Law enforcement sources told Maass that one of the suspects "was directly asked if they had come to Denver to kill Obama. He responded in the affirmative."

The story began emerging Sunday morning when Aurora police arrested Tharin Gartrell, 28. He was driving a rented pickup truck in an erratic manner, according to sources.

Sources told CBS4 police found two high-powered, scoped rifles in the car along with camouflage clothing, walkie-talkies, wigs, a bulletproof vest, a spotting scope, licenses in the names of other people and 44 grams of methamphetamine. One of the rifles is listed as stolen from Kansas.

Aurora police alerted federal officials because of heightened security surrounding the Democratic convention, Aurora police Det. Marcus Dudley said.

"Clearly we feel that there are federal implications -- otherwise we would not have notified those agencies," Dudley said Monday night. "The weapons clearly would cause great concern."

Subsequently authorities went to the Cherry Creek Hotel in Glendale to contact an associate of Gartrell's. But that man, identified as Shawn Robert Adolph, 33, who was wanted on numerous warrants, jumped out of a sixth floor hotel window. Law enforcement sources say Adolph broke an ankle in the fall and was captured moments later. Sources say he had a handcuff ring and was wearing a swastika, and is thought to have ties to white supremacist organizations.

Nathan Johnson, 32, an associate of Gartrell and Adolph, was also arrested Sunday morning. He told authorities that the two men had "planned to kill Barack Obama at his acceptance speech."

"He don't belong in political office. Blacks don't belong in political office. He ought to be shot," Johnson told Maass.

"Do you think they were really plotting to kill Obama?" Maass asked.

"I don't want to say yes, but I don't want to say no," he said.

Johnson's girlfriend Natasha Gromek is also under arrest on drug charges.

The Secret Service, FBI, ATF and the joint terrorism task force are all investigating the alleged plot. Dudley didn't say what tied the men together but said more arrests were possible.

Officials with the U.S. Attorney's office in Denver said they do not believe there is a credible threat to Obama or the convention.

"It's premature to say that it was a valid threat or that these folks have the ability to carry it out," said a U.S. government official familiar with the investigation. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

U.S. Attorney Troy Eid said the case was under investigation.

"We're absolutely confident there is no credible threat to the candidate, the Democratic National Convention, or the people of Colorado," Eid said in a prepared statement.

Gartrell, who has no known address, was being held at the Arapahoe County jail on $50,000 bail on drug and weapons charges. The jail said he was due in court Thursday.

Personally it just sounds like a bunch of dumb white bigots doing meth and talking B.S.

The problem with guys who use meth, is not getting them to confess it is getting them to shut up. The have the right to remain silent they just dont have the ability. (I think I stole that from Ron White)
"He don't belong in political office. Blacks don't belong in political office. He ought to be shot," Johnson told Maass.

We are all one people. What a day it would be when no such belief inhabited the earth.
IMHO, this could be a bunch of drama aimed at creating more hype over that freak show going on in Denver.
I'd put $20 on the person from Illinois having had a hand in this himself, setting these two easy fall guys out there to make himself seem more important and to push his anti gun agenda.
IMHO, this could be a bunch of drama aimed at creating more hype over that freak show going on in Denver.

Anythings possible but there are still plenty of white supremacist wacko pond scum out there who'd like nothing better than to make a statement.
i agree with you.

the media IMHO (again) can also use this to paint this plot as setup by "gun nuts". they will say "guns need to be banned because of assassination plots"
The Secret Service, FBI, ATF and the joint terrorism task force are all investigating the alleged plot. Dudley didn't say what tied the men together but said more arrests were possible.

Plot? I'm guessing it was hatched over a case or two of 'Natty Light.

I'll guess it happened like this:

Gomer 1: "Ain't no black man should be in office..."

Gomer 2: "Yea. Pass me 'nother 'Natty...."

Gomer 1: "You still got them Halloween wigs?"

Gomer 2: "Yep. Pass me 'nother one will ya?"

Gomer 1: "Well, dig out those wigs and camo. It's huntin' season."

Gomer 2: "Huh?"

Gomer 1: "Get them wigs, we gonna do somethin' 'bout it. Grab me some camo and a deer rifle....... WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAA! Let's go! Saddle up!"

Gomer 2: "Huh, pass me another 'Natty? Where we goin' again?"

Gomer 1: "Shoot us an Obama."

Gomer 2: "Great, pass me a 'Natty. Oh yeah, I need to be home by Tuesday to pick up my unemployment check."

These two guys are gonna go away for a while. A long while.
I have to agree, this really smells like a set up.

To my rifle shooters:

How hard is making a headshot at 750 yards?

How hard would it be if you added Meth to the equation?

Try it some time at the range after drinking 5 gallons of coffee and running three miles.
Just a buncha meth heads. No plot to kill Obama. Feds are totally non-plussed about the whole incident.

News reported they had a "sniper rifle." Now it's a hunting rifle in the trunk, with a scope (not being attached to the rifle) also in the trunk. I'd like to see one of those meth heads hit a target @ 100 yds., let alone 750.
to the media, a ruger 10/22 with a scope is a sniper rifle.

this is the same media that thinks guns go off by themselves
Looks like the so called plot to kill Obama was nothing but fart gas from some meth heads. Still, they should be publicly ridiculed for their statements about blacks.


No evidence of plot to kill Obama: justice official
14 hours ago

DENVER, Colorado (AFP) — US authorities said Tuesday they had found no evidence of a plot to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama following the arrest of three men and seizure of a weapons cache.

US Attorney Troy Eid told a press conference that following an exhaustive investigation, officials were satisfied that the arrested men were all drug abusers who did not pose a credible threat to Obama.

"Let me be clear: we've conducted an intensive investigation, chased down numerous leads and carefully reviewed the evidence to date," Eid said.

"It is a very serious federal crime to threaten a presidential candidate. In this case, however, there is insufficient evidence at this time to indicate a true threat, plot or conspiracy against Senator Obama."

The three men were arrested after a traffic stop uncovered wigs, two hunting rifles, body armor and drug-making equipment on Sunday, the eve of the Democratic Party's four-day-long national convention here which is to end by officially naming Obama the party's presidential nominee.

Eid said there was no evidence any of the arrested men had ties to racist or white supremacist organizations but they had made racist comments about Obama, telling a drug user prior to arrest that no "nigger" should be president.

However, Eid said it was important to make a distinction between the "racist rantings" of habitual drug users and a credible attempt on Obama's life.

"Reported threats, hateful and bigoted though they were, involved a group of meth heads, methamphetamine abusers, all of whom were impaired at the time and they cannot independently (be) corroborated," Eid said.

"The evidence involving alleged threats does not warrant federal charges. But the investigation is ongoing and we are keeping an open mind."

"What matters at this moment, from a legal point of view the law recognises a difference between a true threat - one that can be carried out ... and the racist rantings of drug users."

Eid said most of the racist remarks were allegedly made by convicted felon Shawn Robert Adolf, in conversation with another drug user.

Adolf is charged with illegal possession of a firearm and illegal possession of body armour as well as possession of methamphetamine.

Another man, Nathan Johnson, who attempted to escape from police by jumping from the sixth floor of a hotel, is charged with illegal possession of a firearm and possession of a small quantity of methamphetamine.

In a television interview earlier Tuesday, Johnson said his friends had intended to shoot Obama from a "high vantage point" on Thursday night at the 75,000-seat Invesco stadium.

"He don't belong in political office. Blacks don't belong in political office. He ought to be shot," Johnson said as he explained the motivations of his friends.

The probe was launched Sunday after a police officer spotted the third man, Tharin Gartrell, driving a truck erratically in a suburb of Denver. Gartrell has been charged with drug possession, authorities said Tuesday.

The incident was the latest somber reminder of security risks faced by presidential hopefuls, and anxieties felt by many supporters for Obama, who was given Secret Service protection earlier in the presidential campaign than any other candidate.

The incident is also being probed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secret Service and the joint terrorism task force.

Campaign communications director Robert Gibbs said no change was being made to Obama's schedule in light of the arrests.

The Illinois senator is due in Denver on Wednesday, ahead of his acceptance address the next day.

A tight security blanket has been draped across Denver to protect tens of thousands of supporters and protestors who descended on the city for the Democratic Party's political extravaganza.

An estimated 3,000 to 5,000 police and security personnel from 55 agencies, including the FBI and US military, are being deployed.
'd put $20 on the person from Illinois having had a hand in this himself, setting these two easy fall guys out there to make himself seem more important and to push his anti gun agenda
If they said he has no place being in office because he's a communist, they'd be right.
You sometimes have to wonder if some people ever say anything with a hint of maturity or that makes any sense what-so-ever? Or do they just troll the L&P section waiting to make outlandish statements?
After Clinton and Nixon, the credibility of presidential candidates with no history, Harvard graduate, have NO credibility, and, no limit on how low they would stoop to get elected.
Obama will say and do anything, so who's to say the DNC didn't pay some rednecks $ to make things up. I mean, if they can get dead people to vote then they are capable of doing this.
Obama will say and do anything, so who's to say the DNC didn't pay some rednecks $ to make things up. I mean, if they can get dead people to vote then they are capable of doing this.

Yes! Anyone can say anything! Because, after all, anything can be true! So it's all equal!
Not to mention that the 'news industry' rarely lets facts get in the way of a 'story'. So, you have a candidate that will say anything, and, a reporting group that will make stuff up, and print pure fantasy...What a wonderful system...:rolleyes:
take into consideration that the media is in the tank for Obama and the more that will make him look victimized to tug heart strings the better.
Playboypenguin wrote:
You sometimes have to wonder if some people ever say anything with a hint of maturity or that makes any sense what-so-ever? Or do they just troll the L&P section waiting to make outlandish statements?

+1, PBP. Sure does raise the tone of political discourse. Sigh.

Sigma 40 Blaster wrote:
I have to agree, this really smells like a set up.

To my rifle shooters:

How hard is making a headshot at 750 yards?

How hard would it be if you added Meth to the equation?

Not to mention having the walls of a large building in the way of the shot. I rather well think the SS knows of, and will secure, any vantage points within, oh, a mile or so of the stadium.

Seems to have been a bunch of methhead white supremacist losers at play, no more and no less. There's no reason to think it's a setup, other than a desire on the part of some people to trash Mr. Obama in any imaginable way.