a personal example of how bad it is......


New member
I contacted my folks this morning, I was going to get my father to use his dd214 etc to acquire a cmp garand so the family would have another one....spoke first with my mom, and explained what I needed them to do-----her response....I dont think he'll want to after all the liability if somone uses that gun in a crime.......I talked to Dad about it and he said....youll put me through hell here, if I do that for ya.....so thats how its done, my 61 year old mom is concerned that if someone steals that rifle and uses it that they will be prosecutted....this from parents who taught me gun safety and before I was allowed to shoot would let me clean the firearms that had been shot and then they taught me to shoot when I was 12, allowed me to compete in small bore competition both handgun and rifle....a father who retired as a warrant officer, after 30 yrs in the army including the green berets, and a tour in korea, vietnam, and two in thailand, a job as a probation officer and finally achieved his doctorates and taught criminal justice.......these bas***ds use fear, too bad we cant find a way to give them a little...fubsy.
That's sad, but this is an example of how the media and the liberals are winning. They have turned the majority of women in this country into frightened sheep who believe what they hear on the news and are willing to give up their rights for percieved security.

I have a customer who is pro gun, even belongs to a local range, but doesn't own a gun! I talked with him at length and discovered that his reason for not owning a firearm was that he has small children. It is apparent that his wife is the deciding factor in his decision as she is liberal and believes all of the propaganda on the TV. He stated he would really like to have a S&W 357 and is dying to shoot one.

Naturally I offered to let him shoot my .45's but he has not taken me up on it, guess I'll have to twist his arm.

By the way, he does have a NY pistol permit, which takes 6 months and about 350-500 bucks to get.

The anti's know their audience, who are mostly women who are afraid for their kids, and who will control their husbands behavior.

I'm beginning to understand what the Jews in Nazi germany went through before they went to the ovens. It is very easy to turn public opinion agains a group of people with the right message.
Sad, isn't it.

Here, we need written permission from landowners to shoot on their property before we can obtain a firearms licence.

I had two letters from property owners amounting to some 10 000 acres. The police insist that these letters of permission have shelf life of only 12 months, so when I wanted a new .22 rimfire, I had to get the letters rewritten.

The farmers refused -- they had been threatened by the police that if anyone to whom they had given permission, who subsequently got a rifle because of that permission, and was then involved in any sort of breach of firearms regulations, the police would charge the landowner who gave the permission.

I had to find two other landowners before I could get my .22.

It is a war of attrition; if they can't get us head-on, they will get us through our loved ones.

Here, the women's groups are pushing for a total ban on firearms ownership because it is a 'tool to repress women'.

A tool to repress women????!!
They are the great equalizers. Guns are not gender specific. They are tools that one needs to learn how to operate.
That statement is tatamount to banning cars because some people are too lazy to learn how to drive. Absurdity

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
dc......Unfortunately your message isnt the one thats getting to the women of this country.....Im not trying to bash women either, but I sure listen to a lot of reguritation of the national medias points of view during discussions..............but thats another example of how the antis have been successful at dividing us. During my work I go to various establishments and while at one yesterday this guy who Ive know for years but never discussed politics--our paths cross for just a short period,,,told me he voted for clinton twice and would do so again, I tried to explain the damage being done by clintons reign and he didnt care because the economy was good, so I told him that they were trying to pass a log on fee or an access charge to the internet and this guy being a dedicated net user came unglued......ya see it was his ox being gored then........Im going to the gun show....Ive got a 2nd generation colt 71/2 45 with rampant horse grips to sell, before I have to go thr0ough a business to do so...fubsy.
http://www.odcmp.com/Services/Rifles/Rifle_Applications.htm has details on getting a CMP M1 Garand rifle or just a receiver.

Bruce Stanton
DC: The scenario that's painted goes like this:

Gunowner (male) comes home drunk or just plain mean -- physically abuses wife and/or kids.

Wife tries to leave -- gunowner gets out gun and intimidates her by threats of shooting her and/or the kids.

I am not joking; this is being pushed the Democrats and the Women's Electoral Lobby (among others), and published by the media as fact.

Go to the site that bruels gave yall and if its not listed whats needed they will send you a packett.......the dd214 allows veterans to establish eligibility under cmp critiera....there is a list of about 10 things you can use for that...in my case my dad is in his late 60's and I cant see him going through the shooting all day and working the traps....fubsy.
Honorably discharged veterans do not have to have the 50 rounds in five years. He would just have to be a club member. I imagine any club would be glad to have him and could find something he could do that is not as strenuous.

Bruce Stanton