A once in a lifetime offer


Staff Alumnus

Lazenjemmun, I'd like to extend an offer to all the bannits, anti-gun bigots, and statists.

The offer is as follows:

1) Anyone who doesn't accept that the BoR is a package deal;
2) Anyone who says that "The People" in the Second Amendment are not the same "The People" as in the other 9, and;
3) Anyone who thinks we'd be better off with a total ban on civilian firearms ownership...

Contact me. I'll buy you a one-way plane ticket to any country in the world. Anywhere. As long as you meet their visa/entry requirements, I'll be glad to help get you the hell out of my country and into some Socialist Worker's Paradise.

The reason the USA is still a relatively free country is because We The People have force of arms on our side. It certainly isn't because of our oh-so-benevolent leaders, who would be just as happy to see a repeat of GULAG.

It's because we have guns --a LOT of guns-- that we haven't been completely enslaved.

So, I repeat my offer: anyone who can't accept the Constitution and BoR, get out. I'll pay your way. Just go. Now. Before you kill us all, including yourself and your kids.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872

You left out one of the most important parts of the deal!

Make these non-Americans sign a legal document that they will not return to the USA or, if they want to return they must pay you the sum of one million dollars (US$) before reaching our shores.

Now don't get on my case about not wanting them back for any price. Think how many you (we) could deport for a million bucks!


Donations you'll accept, right? ;)
This offer would make an interesting website. Maybe we should pool our resources (in case somebody takes us up on it!) and make a list of candidates--Sarah Brady, Charles Schumer, Janet Reno, Josh Sugarmann, that guy from VPC, etc. Otherwise you'll get the ones that have been planning to move to Ecuador for 10 months but couldn't afford it yet. ;)


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
For all that I agree 100%, there's a fly in your ointment: You cannot buy a one-way ticket to an overseas destination. Or, they won't let you in unless you show a return ticket... :(

Good idea, though. Good try.
Art, I'll pony up for R/T tickets if that's what it takes. These people obviously don't want to live here, so who am I to stand in their way?

Dennis, of course I'll accept donations. Hell, I might even set up a 501(c)3 thingie and a bank account for the purpose.

Don, your idea rocks. I'll start working on it this afternoon. :D

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872

When did the round-trip ticket become mandatory? When Leona came to Germany she came on a tourist passport with a one-way ticket.

Hmm. That was 1975. Jeez. More than 24 years ago.

Okay. I guess things change, huh? ;)
better yet, if they do return, instead of making them pay 1 million$, make them, BUY A GUN! hehe it will help the gun manufacturers, help the pro gun people, and who knows, they may like it and buy more.
Just my .02-----Cuz
It'd be cheaper to just herd 'em all up to Canada.

Or given the majority of 'em's proximity to the coasts, herd 'em in to the Atlantic & Pacific......Then again, it's wrong to dump trash in the ocean.
Lonestar, what if Canada doesn't want 'em? We've got enough enemies, thanks to Our Fearless Leader butting into everyone else's domestic disputes.

Come to think of it, Quebec might take 'em, but only if we taught them Quebecois French first. ;)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Guys, it ain't that hard. If we have to buy round trip tickets to these 3rd world countries, what will we have? An extra ticket from a 3rd world country to the U.S.

What do we need? More Americans who value freedom and are willing to do the hard work required of an American citizen.

What do these 3rd world countries have in abundance? Freedom-loving, experience people who want to get the hell out and get to the U.S.

So we simply convert to an exchange program. For every anti who thinks he/she'd be safer under, say, Brazil's gun laws, there have to be at least several Brazilians who would LOVE to come to the U.S. to take their place. If half of them turn out like Oleg (nee Cornered Rat) then the U.S. wins the exchange. The regime du jour in the 3rd world country gets another citizen who feels safest snuggled in the warm arms of Big Brother, so they're happy too.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Man! Now why don't I think of ideas like Don's? That's *perfect!*

Don, are you sure you belong in public education? You're gonna warp those poor kids with your crazy ideas about freedom and individuality and such. ;)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Yeah, and they're wily little suckers too. They tried to trap me into a class discussion of gun control the other day--with me on one side and them on the other! Can you say "SHTTCANNED?"
And I was being really really "good" too. We were doing a Weekly Reader (remember those? They're still kinda worthless.) The lead article was on the retirement of one of the BATF's top sniffing dogs. Now, I said nothing bad about the dog or ATF. I explained what ATF does in positive terms and discussed the amount of explosives and number of illegal guns the dog had found over it's career. My mistake was saying:
"Boy, can you imagine what that amount of explosives would have done? And we can all agree we don't want criminals to have all those guns. Law-abiding citizens, yes, but not criminals . . ."
You'd have thought I told them we were going to practice on each other with live ammo during PE. "Mr. Gwinn, they should just take ALL the guns and then nobody would have them and then nobody would get shot. . . ."

I had to choke it all back and tell them I'd talk to them about it one on one after class but that we wouldn't debate it in class, nor could I push my own point of view.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
That musta hurt Gwinny... I don't know if I would've had the self-restraint...

Coinineach - I'll pitch in for their friggin visas or whatever! Just get them the hell out.

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.

[This message has been edited by SlackO (edited December 09, 1999).]