A note from school - amusing story

I was talking to a student today who once needed to buy a handgun for a gunsmithing class. He went to the local store and they told him that while he lived there, he is not a resident of the state and therefore they could not sell him a handgun. The store afterward contacted the ATF and explained the situation to them and the ATF told the store it's no problem if he got a letter from his school. So, the student went to the president's office and the secretary was familiar with the process. She pulled up the form on her computer, entered his name and printed out a letter stating that the named student was taking classes and needed a handgun for the class. Letter in hand, the student returned to the store and was able to complete the transaction.

He also told me of another incident where he walked into a store and said, "I need a shotgun to take to school." Alarm bells must have sounded off as evidenced by the expressions he got in response. He quickly explained he was a gunsmithing student and needed it for a shotgun class. They were relieved that he was not contemplating mischief and sold him one.