There is certainly the occasional temptation to "get it over with", crank up the heat, and let the enemy drive the situation over the line as quickly as possible. One gets tired of sporadic Republican betrayals, constant nibbling away of rights by Democrats (and turncoat Republicans), and wishes that we'd just go straight to the Great Final Battle For Our Rights.
Bad idea.
There is a natural progression to such processes as what we face now. The pendulum swings both ways, and we're reaching the end of the leftward swing. There are court cases in process that, once the Supreme Court receives and rules on them, will likely restore our rights. The media frenzy demonizing gun owners will subside as the subject eventually becomes dull. People in general will gradually realize that guns themselves are not the problem, people are.
Letting the anti's go free to implement confiscation would be much worse and harder to undo.
You don't win a war by letting your enemies take over.