A New Level of Outrage in MD


New member
Today's Washington Post featured an article regarding the new push by Gov. Glendenning to seek various means to crush the legitimiate rights of citizens of "the Free State" to exercise their 2nd amendment rights. He is quoted as saying a "new level of outrage will provide support for gun control proposals." Yeah, well... I am up to a new level of outrage against this buffoon and his idiocy. Allow me to share from his blather....

He requires that all guns be sold with built-in locks within the next year and "smart gun" technology before 2003. The technology does not yet exist, nor will an illegal and coercive , exhortionist push by a deluded, ignoramus cause such technology to magically appear in his lap overnight.

With an attorney general who wishes to completely ban all handguns, it is no wonder that we are in such a heaping mound of bovine fertilizer? Where are the gunowners in MD? How can we fight these folks and get our own installed? Is MD going to go the way of the District?

Baltimore is well on its way to another record year of murders despite Glendenning and Curran's draconian gun control schemes and existing laws. Maybe if they got their head out of their @$$-- and focused on the problem of criminals and not the inaminate objects we would get somewhere.

A Carroll County legislator is pushing for a shall-issue permit system with 12 hours of training. BRAVO!!! It is almost impossible under the current discretionary system to get a CCW in MD. I work in a high-risk business that handles a ton (yes, I mean a ton) a cash and I likely would not qualify to get a permit. The fact of the matter is that the State Police are so far up G's behind they cannot get the air into their nostrils, let alone perform their duties.

This Rep. Ferguson is a bright star in MD. I support him 100%. He is also pushing for anti-lawsuit legislation. With Beretta USA being in MD, this just might pass. I pray to God it does.

Then we have Rep. Hoffman who wishes to introduce a bill banning guns as prizes in raffles. Since when does the government have the right to dictate what prizes are given up in a charity event? This reeks of Big Brother interventionism. Would we have this sort of outcry if we were raffling off a case of rare wine, or a lifetime subscription to Playboy? I'd like to see us folks buy more of these raffle tickets and say UP YOURS!

Glendenning's task force is a farce. It is stacked with the most rabid antis he could drag up out of the cesspits that pass for think tanks and social institutions in this neo-fascist state. If I recall correctly, not a single member of this enlightened group is affiliated with or has intimate knowledge of firearms.

The Governor/Fuhrer wishes to spend $3 million of our record surplus on smart gun technology. His idea is to pass it on to academicians and whiz kids in labs. I think this guy has misplaced his prescriptions and gotten his Geritol mixed up with his Propecia or Viagra or whatever other psychotropics he takes. Here is a novel idea, cut our taxes and give us the money back. I can show you how to have a smart, safe gun for a hell of a lot less. It's called NRA Safe Shooter classes!

Further, this state is remarkably inept at handling existing laws. Between January and March of this past year over 49 convicted felons purchased guns because the State Police was out to lunch. Let's not mention the half dozen shootings because the police did not enforcethe domestic violence laws.

If there are any folks on this board active in MD, get in touch with me. I am pissed off enough at these folks to up my donations to pro-gun groups considerably.
I bought two guns a couple of weeks ago, I intend to buy a pair this week. Thank God, MD has a collector exemption to the monthly rationing scheme they have imposed on us.

[This message has been edited by Bulldozer (edited January 25, 2000).]
i'm another annoyed marylander

are you on the MD alert list?
i have the contact data at work

i read on the balmer sun site that the annapolian's are wanting to pass a restriction for people over 17 from wearing masks

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dZ:
i'm another annoyed marylander

are you on the MD alert list?
i have the contact data at work


No I am not. Send me the info please. It's time for us MD gun owners to roar. I am of the mind to draft a letter and drive to every gun store I know in an old fashioned petition drive. I could cover Anne Arundel, part of Prince George, and part of Harford in the course of one business day.

[This message has been edited by Bulldozer (edited January 25, 2000).]
this just came accross the MD alert net:
<big snip>
What have we warned you for the last year? Beware, the public will be told
debate is only about "smart guns" but the governor will make his biggest gun
grab in the fine print. Remember 1996, when he said it was only "one gun a
month" but some of the greatest damages were rendered to our rights in the
fine print? Well, it's deja vu all over again, as SB 211 is fifteen pages of
bill language, all set to build on what Parris bought four years ago.

SB 211: Responsible Gun Safety Act of 2000


It bans transfer of any regulated firearm (handgun, etc) to anyone who has
not completed a "certified firearms safety training course meeting standards
established by the Maryland Police Training Commission". What standards?
Bureaucrats will know them them later when they see them.


It bans sale of handguns for which the MANUFACTURER has not provided
with the gun a bullet and casing fired from that gun for transfer to the
state police crime lab. (This will itself be a de facto ban. No handgun
manufacturer at this time provides this information in the way this law
would mandate, and we have to ask: how many are going to change just to
satisfy the whim of the Maryland State Police?)


It expands circumstances under which firearms can be seized and forfeited
under law, and "no property right shall exist in them."

Once firearms are forfeited under these provisions, they may only be
transferred to other police agencies or destroyed. No exceptions.

And once firearms are owned by a law enforcement agency, how do THEY
get rid of guns? They will be required to either destroy them or SELL THEM
(Maryland State Police to citizens: "We've got our guns. Screw you.")


It opens juvenile records, so until age 30 an individual has more ways
the police can deny you the ability to purchase a handgun (or get a carry
permit, though that in itself is not a big deal, since state police simply
deny whatever permit applications they want anyway.)


It boosts the penalty for violating gun possession restrictions, and
makes it a five year minimum mandatory.

And oh yeah ... last but not least ...


Starting in 2002, dealers won't be able to sell you a new handgun unless
it has an "integrated mechanical safety device" that is "designed to prevent
children or other unauthorized users from discharging" it. So much for just
trigger locks ... those are non-starters under this bill language.

Then if a brand-new bureaucracy established under this bill decides the
technology is ripe ...

Starting in 2003, dealers won't be able to sell you a new handgun unless
it is a personalized handgun ... you know, a 'smart gun.'

And the most revealing kicker of all: None of the personalized gun
restrictions will apply to cops.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
He is quoted as saying a "new level of outrage will provide support for gun control proposals."

A new level brought by whom? I've been suspicious about the shootings anyway, then some one of them says something like that.

If I were a conspiracy nut, I'd be on that one like stink on sh!+...

And what new level of outrage is he seeing in his crystal ball? Perhaps some madman goes berserk in the Moms parade in Washington? Hey, that would be the absolute bottom of this all. No joke...

Best Regards,

"The day I turn in my own countrymen, will be the day I put a bullet in my own head".
--George Harris, Patriot Games--

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited January 27, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited January 27, 2000).]