A NEW Hillary??

Ed Brunner

New member
My wife istruly observent.She sees everything.
Yesterday she said that something is brewing with Hillary.Every time she appears on TV she is dressed in black or gray tailored pants suits with high Mao collars and flat shoes.
I hadnt noticed.
So whats it all about?

Better days to be,


She is looking "independent,businesslike and powerful". I saw something yesterday (will try to find link) that stated she is seriously looking into the NY Senate to replace Moynihan.
She has to look Senatorial ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC, that's good for me. at least she won't be comming back to Ark. but i guess i should feel sorry for the people in N.Y., i'd really hate to wish that on anybody. maybe her and Bill will move to China, after all that's where he's been sending all our technology!!

fiat justitia

It's my understanding that all campaign funds must be kept separate from the politician's private funds - until he retires. Then he gets it all.

Is this true?

If so, a good argument could be made that our President sold our national secrets for his "retirement" fund - his and Hillary's...
Schumer and Hillary as the two Senators from N.Y.... The only "good" news would be that she replaces Moynihan!
(I'm soooo ashamed that he's Irish.)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited 02-12-99).]
I caught a piece of one of the political talk shows on PBS (can't remember which one) where opinon was that Hillary won't run. First they are finacially straped due to Monica-gate and second both she and Slick will have to give full financial disclosure. None of the panelist thought they could stand up to that.
Rumor has it there is talk of lifting the 2 term limit. Slick for 4 more, then Hilly for 12 and finally Chels. How's that for a royal family?
Someone could make a musical - call it "HILLARY!" and Madonna could play the part (heck, we had "Evita" in more or less the same pattern)

Member NRA (life), SASS (life 'El Chimango Pete' #20037), Muzzle Loaders, other clubs in Argentina. Firearms Instructor
On ICQ "Buzzard-Pete"
Hillary can get all the campaign dollars she would ever need here in NY. All it would take is about 3-5 trips to NYC.

I hope she goes back into the private sector. The Liberal dopes in this state just may vote her in.(especially the cities)
Oh yes! Let's see Hillary play hardball with Giuliani! :)

Hillary and education...She was given control of Arkansas public education when Bill became gov. AR students ranked 48th when he was elected and ranked 50th when they left for Washington DC.

Let's break out the biscotti and grappa and watch the Rudy & Hillary Show

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
While listening to WCBS radio (New York City Clinton Broadcasting Service :(), all you can hear is how overjoyed everyone seems to be with just the thought of THAT woman running for a Senate seat from NY.
It is positively sickening (BARF!)

~Douglas in CT :)

[This message has been edited by Douglas in CT (edited February 16, 1999).]
This morning on the Today show a rep. from the NY Post was talking about this. He said that she only has a few weeks at the most to make up her mind to run. If she doesn't make a decision, she will hold the Dems. in paralysis(cuz no serious candidates will want to interfer) until she does....his opinion was that if she didn't make one soon she would be responsible for giving the Senate position to the Repubs.
Then on NBC news this evening a purported press release from the White House said that she will take a number of months to make her mind up.

Ahhhh....royalty. The accolades and fawning praise is so worthwhile. Whip up the unwashed emotions of love and devotion Your Majesty :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
This is scary. I never thought that Sen Putzhead (AKA Schumer) could defeat Al Damato but he did with the help of NY City, unions and teachers. Most of the State and Staten Island weht for Damato but the City of NY wene overwhelmingly for Schumer. I am afraid She will have a cake walk in this state even if Giuliani runs. In another thread someone stated NY is full of idiots, wrong, even an idiot wouldn"t vote for hillary. I feel like a stranger in my own land.
Don't be so hard on the poor woman. I've been reading and hearing about her for years now. She is a fine, adoring and faithful wife. A brillant attorney. A wonderful mother. A skilled author. The intellectual's intellectual. She is ... well, perfect!

Did I get the mantra right? ;) NY, sad to say, deserves her. It's a damn shame there isn't an earthquake fault in eastern NY - I think it was Barry Goldwater who observed the country would be better off if some of the eastern seaboard slid off into the Atlantic. [With apologies to our TFL members resident in the at-risk area. ;) )
Since various people have wished for earthquakes in CA, NY, NJ, IL [states where leftists have had most success with disarming Americans] and other places and that much luck is unlikely...what do you think about probability of [nuclear] airbursts over each one as a part of Y2K fireworks? Bottled sunshine...

Seriously, look at the VOKhR [prison camp guards] and OMON [semi-political paramilitary org, russian] and Checka/NKVD/MGB/KGB/whatever the hell they are now ex and present murderers living off cushy pensions. And they killed directly! Our politicos kill by proxy, though other thugs...they just soften up the victims. What chance of them getting just rewards outside of some improbably henrybowmanship [asassinating responsible politicians and beuracrats directly, after Henry Bowman, a character from Unintended Consequences]? I think even that could backfire (probably exact same thinking process that got my Jewish relatives in Belorus turned into soap) [They sat tight, ended up getting killed by Germans without doing anything to fight back].

If you believe in freedom and means of protecting it...you might be a gun nut.

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited February 18, 1999).]
Hey, is it just my imagination or does a person still have to reside in a state for 2 years before they can run for a Senate seat? Could be wrong?!

The last thing we need is Hillary as a Senator. Before you know it she'll be running for the Presidency.(you know its true!)

Oh well, cross our fingers and hope for the best.(wish I lived there so I could vote against her)
Bobby..apparently not NY or they have an extremely short residency period. Moynihan wasn't bothered

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
She won't run. I feel sorry for upstate New Yorkers if she does, though. People in NYC deserve her. Divide NY into 2 states; same for So. and No. Calif. I don't suppose her views on gun control would actually differ from Wild Bill's?

Hal, please share your profile.

Yes, Barry Goldwater was my hero. He will live long in my memory.

And Cornered Rat, could you please translate that to some dialect of English. I'm sorry, but I don't know what the hell you're talking about. However, it may be something important I need to know, so....Thanks.

[This message has been edited by Exiled And Addicted (edited February 18, 1999).]