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A more politics oriented section???

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New member
This is the first time in a while where we have such a gun friendly political body. I can understand why politics was discouraged here in the past, but now seems like a different time.

My primary interest is keeping the politicians on track with their promises like a national carry law. What a difference a day makes...a few weeks ago I thought we were done and I wondered to myself the future. Now the future seems so much more positive.

Can I display a certain amount of political zeal without getting into trouble? Would a more politically orient section be a good thing?
Discussing politics is discouraged here because of the types of arguments that ensue from discussing them. The political slant of the Executive Branch won't change that.

I think it would be a terrible idea to add more political discussion to TFL. I come to TFL to talk about guns, not to talk about politics. Especially since we had such a long, grueling election season with two awful candidates. Right now I'm so sick of reading and hearing about politics and I'm so glad the election is over. If more political discussions were added to TFL I would leave, and I'm sure many others would too.

Let's keep the political discussions the same as they are now: Strictly gun related.
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I think we have about as much as we can handle. Given the bad behavior everywhere and the drop in maturity and IQ points when discussing politics most places it is a pointless endeavor IMO.

People easily offend are easily offended these days.
The election wasnt grueling to me. I hear offensive words all the time...daily...and that just goes over my head. However, what I did hear was a national carry law, a repeal of all executive orders involving "gun control", etc.

Well, if you want to give us a national carry law you can go ahead and swear all you want:)
Johnelmore, the political subjects you're mentioning are all directly gun-related and are therefore on-topic for TFL. There's nothing wrong with discussing politics here as long as it's gun-related and you don't dwell on partisanship or unrelated political subjects. So I'm not exactly sure what the point of this thread is.
Yes, but all the political subjects he's mentioning are directly gun-related and are already allowed for discussion here. So I don't see a need for a new "politically-oriented section" if those are the types of subjects he's looking to discuss.
We used to have a Legal & Political section with a wider political scope. Things got ugly leading up to the 2008 election. Tempers flared, things wandered far afield of our focus as a site, and many folks just couldn't or wouldn't follow the rules.

It was shut down, and the current Law & Civil rights section was implemented. In its current form, it's a great subforum, and it's in line with our vision for this site.

So, short answer: sorry, but we've been there, and it didn't end well.

That said, L&CR isn't just for discussions of gun rights. We can address other issues relating to law and civil rights, but what we don't want are the flame wars that come from discussions of politicians' personal scandals or whatnot.
Of course it didnt end well. When you have politicians openly advocating for "gun control" I can imagine the discussions can get very heated and engaged on a pro firearm discussion board. I think in 2008 frustrations were growing as a result of a less friendly political class taking over.

Hopefully, we can now look forward, at least for another 4 years, of cooler heads and friendly politicians.
I certainly hope no ones website turns into that one. Im not quite sure the point behind a website like that one except to demonstrate when there is no moderation, no rules and no theme. Its not about firearms or politics.

My vision is more along the lines of serious discussion of Trumps firearm friendly reforms like the National Carry Law. Under Obama there was no point to such discussion because it always resulted in everyone grumbling loudly about his party's non friendly stance.
"I certainly hope no ones website turns into that one."

Sorry that it doesn't meet with your standards.

APS is more of a hangout for people of a like mind who wish to discuss topics in a more freeform environment.

If that's not what you're looking for, then by all means use google to find yourself something more to your liking, because, as the other staff members who have chimed in here have noted, it's not going to happen here... again.

Question asked and answered, so there's no point to this remaining open.
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