A Modest Proposal


Moderator Emeritus
I had an interesting thought:

All these new gun control laws are allegedly being instituted to prevent child violence, yet they focus on us, the law abiding gunowner. Apparently we are irresponsible.

OK, with no further amendments to these bills except the one I shall mention, I will support them.

My proposal: Amend all these bills to include the following (in proper legalese of course):

"Upon the commission of any future shooting incident all Senators, Congresspersons, the Attorney General and the President of the United States shall be considered accessories after the fact and shall be subject to the same prosecution and sentencing as the actual physical perpetrators of any future incident. This amnedment shall in no way whatsoever alter existing statutes of limitations"

You want responsible action? Here ya go, step up to the plate and accept the mantle of trust and responsibility you swore to in your oaths of office. As you leaders are fond of stating, "We all must sacrifice and accept responsibility"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited May 23, 1999).]
Some of those legislators may have believed their oath of office (at least some of the words) once. It seems that once they get sucked into the "Good Old Person" (gotta be PC, y'know)system, those good intentions went down that well known road. I like the idea, DC, but you know the incumbents would never buy it. It smacks of integrity or something!

Experience is a difficult teacher. First comes the test and, if you survive, the lesson.
I'm still trying to get folks to go along with the idea that like any other company that is showing a loss the government should lay off employees. Employees in this case being senators and congressmen.

Yeah, when there is no accountability its real easy to enact anything under the sun. When you really consider it....the only accountability those clowns have is the potential to lose the next election...then they go back into legal practice or become a lobbyist for the Chicoms.

What burns me is that if a corporate executive bungled on the scale like these people do, the person would be fired, impoverished and imprisoned.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC, Have you ever considered running for office? Maybe senator? :)

Tiro per divertimento, tiro per la sopravvivenza
Well, I love you, DC, but I guess you aren't reading the papers much. The President of the US is above the laws that you and I have to follow, and that has been confirmed very recently and approved by, as I recall, about 175% of the US people according to a very thorough and scientific poll administered by the President of the US, no less. So we should all just butt out while he declares himself dictator OOOoops... 'scuse please, I forgot we haven't collected all the guns yet. Never mind that last, we'll talk about it later....

Larry P.
Sure, you might even get it in. But remember, you can tell when a politician is lying......... their lips are moving.

They would squirm out of it. You know why? Because they feel that they are better than you and I. They are needed for the common good. We just generate tax dollars to support their (word that sounds like bass).

The "Elitist" mentality will guarentee that they don't have to abide by the laws that they pass. Those are just for the "little people".


[This message has been edited by DblTap (edited May 26, 1999).]