A Mint S&W Model 27 4" 357 magnum!!!!

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New member
Lately it seems nearly everyone posts and asks questions about semi-autos. I'm one of them and in the past 2 years I have purchased (2) 40SW and (1) 45ACP handguns. I should also mention a 22 Ruger MkII in the same timeframe. However I started out 25 years ago loving revolvers and still have a S&W Model 19 6" which is as smooth as silk and extremely accurate. I broke the trend of the past two years and put some money down on a mint S&W Model 27 4". It has barely been fired and the grooves in the barrel are sharp and clean. As much as I like semi-autos, I believe in a 4" revolver for a home defense gun(no magazine springs weakening under a stack of cartridges) and it's always ready to go. I was thrilled to come across this N-frame 357 in such good condition for HD but something I will enjoy taking to the range as well. Any other revolver lovers out there?

I still enjoy revolvers whether they're blackpowder, single action, or DA. They're the best thing for training against flinching (ball & dummy exercise). Despite all the practice I've had with pistols, I can still shoot better with a DA revolver than with a pistol.

BTW, S&W has metalurgy down to an art and can tell you the approximate # of rounds which went through your barrel. Enjoy.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Funny thing - when I go to the range I bring some of my revolvers and some of my auto's. When I return home, I usually have to clean ALL of my revolvers but only SOME of my auto's. I guess that means I like revolvers more than auto's?...Should I seek help for this problem? Do I need to start a new thread in this forum entitled "If you could have only one pistol, would it be an auto or a revolver?" I'm so confused.....
Count me in the revolver crowd too. While I own and have owned many autoloaders, I started with revolvers. JUst this week, I found a very clean Model 28 Highway Patrol model and purchased it. I look forward to shooting this venerable old magnum ASAP.

I still haven't been able to bring myself to carry an auto for my carry gun but carry a 442 instead. By the same token, my Glock sits in the nightstand, where it will remain.
Greetings Poster's; I still also enjoy shooting double action revolver's as
well. As a matter of fact, my last
purchase was of a Smith & Wesson
Model 28 .357 Magnum with a 6" tube.
She's a beauty to behold, also !!!
Complete with pinned barrel and
recessed chamber's; something that
was discontinued back in 1982 !!!
So yes; there still is a few of us
revolver lover's out there, as well.
Best Wishes To All & Shoot Straight-

Ala Dan
My latest handgun purchase was a Smith & Wesson model 547 chambered for 9mm Parabellum. Does that qualify me as a revolver lover or a lunatic?
The only thing better than a vintage K-frame Smith is a vintage N-frame Smith. I'm a sucker for a mint pinned Smith 19.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.

Never seen a "N" frame I didn't like and in .357 magnum, they are the rage. Very surprised that S&W will not reintroduce the 27/627. Certainly the best .357 platform of all time. They shoot sweet! ENJOY!

Ah yes. The S&W "N" frame. My first .357 Mag. was a 4 inch model 28. Only it did not have a model number. It was just called the Highway Patrolman. I made a BIG mistake. I sold it. It shot like a rifle. A few years back, I found a neat 6 inch Model 28-3. It too shoots like a rifle. At the last gun show, I found a Model 27-3 that had been tuned up by someone who knows Smiths. It shoots like a ray gun.
For the owners of "N" frame S&W .357's, go to (www.sixgunner.com/guests/paco.htm) There is an article that shows just how much current .357 Mag. ammo has been emasculated.
A word of caution though. Since Alliant has taken over the manufacture of #2400 powder, it seems to be somewhat faster burning, and pressures appear to be higher. Still and all, it is a good read. I used his load as a matter of course back in the late 1950's.
It is definitely not for Model 19's,66's, and it was a bit too harsh in the 686 I had.
I think that the 1956 vintage .44 Mag. ammo was hotter than what is available today also. I had one of the first Model 29's sold in San Francisco in late 1956, and the loads sold then, especially Winchesters, were more stout than they are now.
Between the lawyers and the bean counters, the gun industry sure is going downhill in certain aspects.
Paul B.
Jerry Miculek ( sp?) world record holder with 16 rounds in 2.99 secs out of a performance center S&W revolver.
8 rounds in 1 second from the same gun.
A case of a shooter who wants to be the best and will work to get there.
If I am not mistaken, Jerry is the son-in-law of Jim Clark of Clark Custom Guns. I think he shoots with full moon clips and if you want a tricked out Smith they can supply you one at an incredibly reasonable price.

Oh yeah, even though I carry autos now, I cut my teeth on a K-frame and I love them. Then again, J,L, and N frames offer many fine memories too.
JackNKoch, did you get the 3" RB or the 4" SB? Do you mind if I ask what you paid for it? What kind of condition is it in? I'm looking for one also, and would like to know about what to expect. (Granted, prices vary state to state and week to week.)
Thanks, -Kframe
I have the 3"RB version. I haven't shot it yet, but I may post my shooting impressions of it. It looks great and came in the box. Got it from a dealer on trade. He had it marked $450. I'm ordering speed loaders from HKS and a holster tommorow. It has a faint ring around the cylinder and the wood bananna grips don't mate as well as they could (gonna try some rubber boot grips, anyway, I believe). I've heard people put down the Bangor Punta Smith's, but have you handled many of the newest S&W? :( At least this one has a consistant barrel gap and the crane and frame come together properly. CNC machines must be no different than anything else. They're only as good as the operator. Isn't the main benefit of these machines the cost effectiveness they provide the manufacturer, anyway?
SORRY, guess I got on a rant. ;)

I really like the K-frame with 3"RB and the 547 comes with that cool semi bobbed factory hammer, too. I'm glad I'm not the only one into such "odd" guns. I think I still have a magazine review from the '80's , but the " library" is getting harder and harder to sort through.
"You don't know the Dewey decimal system?" :D

[This message has been edited by JackNKoch (edited November 23, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by JackNKoch (edited November 23, 1999).]
Well I picked up the SW27 4" and went straight to the range with a box of 158gr JSPs. The trigger was reminiscent of my SW19 when it was new; a little tight but OK. The N frame really soaks up the recoil of these hot loads nicely. I will probably buy some snapcaps, remove the inspection plate and make sure all rubbing parts have a drop of oil and drysnap it several hundred times. My SW19 was never sent to a smith for a trigger job, it smoothed out after 1000 rounds naturally.

Is it true that S&W stopped making recessed chambers back in '82? If this piece is 17 years old it must have been kept in a humidity proof safe. It was really clean.

Mikie; Do yourself a favor and do not put oil
on the inner working of the revolver. It's ment to work dry. All oil will do is collect
spent powder and grunge up the works. Just
one drop of oil on the crane where it joins
the frame and its good to go. Also the bluing
needs some rust preventative.

[This message has been edited by bobo (edited November 23, 1999).]
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