A minor victory "for the children" (A shameless brag)

I work as chief editor for a major Australian educational publisher, with sales outlets/representatives in Oz, NZ, UK, USA, China, India, Japan, Philippines and "Seth Effrika".

We are producing a series of blackline masters (photocopiable masters) on the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, for students aged 6 -- 12. When it came to the sports, we couldn't possibly include all of them due to space restrictions.

They (management) wanted to preclude shooting as being "politically incorrect" for Australian children.

I argued my case for its inclusion -- and won. Shooting now has its own section in the series -- and I'm ecstatic. That's tens of thousands of students who will see it as a legitimate Olympic sport, with no fear, no hate and no media bias.

Just my little bit for the cause :)

Bruce, congratulations, and thank you. While you're an ocean away, everytime one of us has a victory like this, it helps all of us. Take care.
Bruce.... a question....... if the Aus. goverment has banned firearms.... what type of pistols/rifles Etc will be used during the Olympics???
Well Done! Proud to be a fellow TFL member!


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
Done us all proud Bruce! Jolly good show old chap! :)

The world - here included - is looking at the "Australian Experiment :( " and this sort of thing carries much more weight than 'just a little bit' (which it isn't) methinks.