A matter of perspectives, I guess ....

Two articles from this morning's edition of the West Australian (I wish they'd go online!!):

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>ADHD OFFENDER SPARED JAIL
A man with a serious history of driving offences has been spared a jail sentence because the WA Supreme Court believes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder could be behind his criminal behaviour.

Ian Alexander Stewart, banned for life from getting behind a wheel, was diagnosed with ADHD -- a genetic disease which affects the transmission of messages to the brain -- in February.

In the previous month he had been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, driving under suspension, assaulting police and resisting arrest. It was his fifth driving under suspension charge and second drink-driving offence.

The (original) magistrate ... sentenced Stewart to 15 months jail plus fines and further disqualification from driving.

This week, Supreme Court Justice Geoffrey Miller said the magistrate was wrong not to give the medical diagnosis more weight ....

A 15-month jail term was too much under the circumstances ...

Stewart was arrested in Midland on January 5 after he refused to go with police to the Midland police station to be breathalysed.

He shouted obscenties at police and assaulted them.

When tested, he recorded a blood alcohol level of 0.135 (note: limit here is 0.05) at the time of arrest and it was discovered he was under suspension from driving for life as a result of similar offences last year.

Justice Miller reduced Stewart's sentence to six months months jail, suspended for a year.[/quote]

Then a couple of pages on:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Police to be armed with weapons search powers

Tough new powers for police to stop and search people suspected of acrrying specific weapons will take effect on March 1 next year.

Police will be able to confiscate weapons without a warrant. A six-month amnesty has been declared for weapons to be handed in.

The Weapons Act 1999 classifies weapons other than firearms into three categories -- prohibited weapons, controlled weapons and objects that can be used as weapons.

Penalties for prohibited weapons were fines up to $8000 or two years jail, with a $4000 fine or one year's jail for controlled weapons.

Anyone suspected of carrying a controlled or prohibited weapon or an object that could be used as a weapon can be stopped, questioned and searched.

Prohibited weapons include electronic shock devices, commercially produced catapults (slingshots), crossbows, daggers, flick knives, knuckledusters and spray weapons other than pepper sprays.[/quote]

Note that replica firearms are also included in the list, but not printed in that report.

When civil liberties groups objected to the laws, saying they were open to abuse by overzealous police, who coul arrest someone for carrying a baseball bat or lump of wood if they (the police) didn't like the reason given why that person was carrying it, the police Minister, Kevin Prince, replied (and I paraphrase because it's from memory):

"Look, if you're arrested for carrying a
baseball bat without sufficient reason, and you think you're innocent, it's
easy. Just go before the magistrate, plead your case and if you're found not
guilty, you're free".

Excuse me, we now go to court to prove ourselves innocent?? I thought the
law worked the other way around!!??!!

Maybe I could carry my replica 45 and then plead ADHD!!!!

So if you have hands and feet do they automatically arrest you since you have an object (or 4) that can be used as a weapon? What idiocy.

Bruce, when you say "replica" do you mean a non-firing replica? I have to assume you do.

How is this law faring in the bush, where I have to imagine there's a fair amount of knives and guns about. Or am I wrong on that?

"The right of self-defense is the first law of nature: in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and when the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction." Henry St. George Tucker
Now they'll be after our Pens & Car keys. :(
Because Mace/Pepper spray is illegal here, a LOT of Ladies purposely> carry miniature spray cans of perfume/hairspray as a substitute ! :D
Always wondered if carrying a broom would attract the attention of the Law...LOL(maybe)

Harsh words & rocks is all we have left....

"The Gun from Down Under !"

[This message has been edited by HS (edited September 03, 1999).]
HS, hairspray and a Bic (tm) cigarette lighter works well as a deterant. spray the spray, flick the Bic in the spray and "FLAME ON".

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

Yes, sorry, I meant non-firing replicas -- they are still classified as "firearms" here.

As to the bush ... I guess their turn-in rate is/was the same as the city. After all, to get ammo, reloading gear whatever, they have to sign for it the same as the rest of us.

Incidentally, I was on the Australian Customs webpage today and found I can't even import unprimed brass or projectiles from overseas without prior written approval from the government -- the same goes for getting a new magazine or any parts of the action for my rifle (except springs and/or minor screws). It's bloody ridiculous.

We're a bit more less stringent here in Queensland. You can buy ammo & reloading equipment without having to "sign" for it !
And unlike Victoria, we can even have ammo of a different calibre for guns we don't even own.
That's right, guys 'n gals... In Victoria it is an offence to have ammo of a calibre that is not for a gun on your licence ! :(
Hate to think how many years I'd get for the bits & pieces (of ammo) that are around my house.
So much for "Unified Gun Laws" here in Aus!

"The Gun from Down Under !"
In NSW a woman got arrested and I think convicted a couple of years ago because she was carrying hair spray for the solereason of self defence.