A man with a gun . . .

Prof Young

New member
Looking back over my post from the last few years I thought of an incident that might warrant some discussion.

Have you ever been confronted by a person with a gun?

My incident is somewhat benign. I was teaching part time at a federal prison. One day I forgot to turn in my id badge on the way out. I got to my car, realized my mistake and headed back in. Lost in thought, I was stopped by a loud "Can I help you sir?" I looked up and a uniformed man was standing on the sidewalk in front of me with a shotgun held across his chest. He got my undivided attention. Parked next to him was a van with some prisoners in it. Kind of odd that they were brining guys in via the front door, but I don't make the rules so . . . .

I explained to him about the badge. He said something into his radio and then let me go in to turn in my badge. I held up the unloading process for a few minutes. Gave him a "Thank you" on the way out.

Not very threatening, but the image of that guy with a shotgun kind of stayed with me for a while.

Life is good.
Prof Young
I was. Shotguns (more than one) too. In high ready position, not pointing at me. Not hostile but not totally friendly either.

Our club's skeet range overlaps with 100yd rifle range. When 100yd goes cold to change target, skeet range is notified and they need to go cold too. I did that. The group on skeet range stopped firing. But they did not shelf their guns as required, but just pointed their 12 gauge vertically in high ready. Of course I refused to go down range with that. They got agitated and complained I was being difficult. I didn't want to argue with their guns, so I backed off and went home. There was no rso on duty that afternoon. I called the master rso and let him deal with that.

I haven't seen that group on range since.


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Being confronted by an armed officer is no where near as scary as being confronted by an armed angry girlfriend! :eek::D
Have you seen a policeman with his gun drawn ready to do combat for real? I have.

It was in Hong Kong, still under the British rule, with Royal Hong Kong Police Force. I lived on an outlying island. That afternoon I was hurrying down a covered street sidewalk, trying to catch a ferry. On the curbside there was a police van. I walked by and noticed a bunch of police hats, about 5 or 6 of them, piled inside the vehicle. I thought it was odd. Then a policeman in uniform, minus his patrol hat, hid behind a column and frantically waved his hand to signal me to get out of the area. He was holding his revolver in the other hand, pointing it to a shop on the sidewalk. Then I noticed about half dozen of them all have their guns trained in the same direction. I would walk into their line of fire if I continue on for another 20yd or so.

Of course I backed up immediately and walked back where I came from. I think they had chased someone dangerous to that shop and were there waiting for backup. I later learned that it was their SOP to remove their patrol hats when they expected fire fight.



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Tangolima, yes.

When I was a kid, went over to the corner liquor store to get a pack of gum or something. Just as I was walking out the door, a cop jumped in front of it with a shotgun pointed at me and the guy walking towards the door.

Seems the silent alarm on the cash register was having issues, that or the clerk accidentally pushed it. Cops were not happy, the guy that was behind me said he needed to change his drawers, my jaw hurt because I think it hit the floor!
I was being assaulted one time, the one time I didn’t have a gun on my person, basically while defending myself I had to raise a loud verbal ruckus until the nearest humans decided to call the cops.
When the cops showed up, the bad guy started yelling to the cops “he’s got a gun!” repeatedly that brought a half dozen+ officers’ attention to me… I don’t think all of the things being pointed at me were guns, I bet some of them were tasers haha. I was actually relieved at that moment, but it was scary too. The officers quickly determined that I was the actual victim in the scenario, I’m sure that’s not the first time a bad guy tried that trick.

I learned a couple of lessons that day, one was I should always carry when I can, (even though a gun probably wouldn’t have helped me) and that smartphone touch screens don’t work when covered in your own blood.

Another time my crazy ex wife tried to shoot me, her time in jail seems to have reformed her lol
I caught a tattooed guy at gunpoint who appeared in my yard after calling the Sheriff about an active robbery at my place. He could have brought a gun or stolen a gun and I wasn't playing around with this dangerous criminal. When the Sheriff finally arrived 20 minutes later, I was still like a bird dog on point. When the Sheriff had him cuffed and was picking him up off the ground he started whining about having a gun pointed at him. The Sheriff asked, "is this your place?" The perp said, "no" and the sheriff promptly escorted him to his cruiser and hauled him away.

When I've been pulled over for a driving infraction I've been cooperative with police because it's better to fight a ticket than get tasered, cuffed or shot.
Gun, no. Knife, yes.
26 years ago, a guy pulled a knife on me and my wife outside a Macy's store. I was armed with a G19, but he was so slow and stupid that I could take him down with my feet and hands. Then I dosed him with pepper spray and called the cops.
Responding officer locked my Glock in his trunk until the formalities were over. Then he unloaded it and gave it back.
The attacker - this was his 3rd armed robbery arrest - got 15 years as a repeat offender. They let him out after 6 years and he violated his parole by leaving the state.
He was killed in a botched home invasion in Colorado 8 months later by an alert single mom with a shotgun.
Apparently, he never quite mastered the victim-selection process.
I'd say he was very adept at picking the wrong targets by your description. At least he has been permanently rehabilitated.
The bad guys are not scared to have a gun pointed at them. They have been in that situation many times before and nothing happened. Also they do not have any value in your life either.
I am a retired LEO (21 years of a major metropolitan dept.), and have held numerous people at gunpoint. It can get a little hairy and touch and go depending on their demeanor and level of intoxication. The drunks and hard core drug addicts don’t realize how serious of a situation they are in.
I walked by and noticed a bunch of police hats, about 5 or 6 of them, piled inside the vehicle.

This also struck me as odd, but then I did some checking.

Seems that removing or turning the cap around backwards is a fairly common SOP for many policed depts /officers when they are expecting armed resistance / to be involved in a gunfight.

The reason is the shiny cap badge most uniforms have. Seems that a shiny "I am a cop and this is where my head is" indicator was felt to be a poor idea when you were expecting someone might shoot at you.

I would tend to agree with that, personally. ;)
Midnight shift plainclothes and made an arrest. Fellow had been stealing gas from city vehicles and what made it bad was he was disconnecting the filler hose from the vehicles; endangering the employees who had to operate the vehicles. Called for unit and they flanked me & drewn down on me. One of the officers finally recognized me.

BTW, got the thief for auto-tampering and did the crime prevention part by impounding his station wagon as evidence (he had plastic gas tanks in the back). He didn't have the money for gas so I figured he didn't have the money for impound fee, towing fee, storage fees (daily) and never got it back. Serves him right.
I learned real young what the crack of supersonic rifle bullets sounds like, I was exploring in the wrong part of an old quarry.
I then heard it again in the army when bullets were headed my way.

When the Las Vegas massacre happened and conspiracy theorists were playing videos of what supposedly sounded like multiple shooters I recognized that sound as sonic cracks as some of the shots were traveling towards the recording.
When I was 13 I got a paper route with a buddy, the plan was to split the work and the profits. We got into some kind of argument about the workload one day that turned into a fight and I won. I hit my buddy with a good body shot that took him out right in front of the coolest older guy on the block.

After a few months we'd patched things up, or so I thought. I was at his house after school, his parents were at work. He was showing me his dad's guns and he loaded a bolt action rifle, pointed it at my chest, and told me to leave his house. I did. I guess he wasn't over that fight.

I didn't grow up around guns, and didn't appreciate how dangerous the situation was until many years later. I still trade emails with my old friend. He went on to a very successful career in finance and retired early.
I was once swatted when I lived in a development that was warred over by two drug gangs (I had nothing to do with either of them). Someone had called in a false report to the local police department that I had threatened to go get a gun and shoot them. I didn't even have any firearms at the time. I heard a knock on the back porch door and when I looked out I didn't see anyone. I heard a knock again, and this time I opened up the door and stepped out to see what was going on (tactically a big mistake, obviously) and was immediately set upon by a squad of police in various concealed positions. Couple of guys rushed me on the porch and pinned me against the wall, one of them held what I'm pretty sure was a 40 S&W semiautomatic just inches away from my forehead between my eyes. It was a young guy and he was very nervous, I became acutely aware of his nervous finger twitching on the trigger and was certain in that moment he was going to decorate my porch wall with my brains.

Fortunately, the officer in command got the feeling something wasn't right and ended up talking down the scene. I was very very lucky.