A lot of oil or a little oil on autos? what's the deal?


New member
A C.C.W. instructor in Las Vegas once said to me, "if there is not enough oil in and around the moving parts of your auto to seep out a little during use, your not using enough"

So I took it as gospel, but many years later, the police detective who returned my Colt to me after it was dusted for prints after my wife's attack said "You have far to nice a weapons here to have all that oil on it, it best to keep it a little dry, than too oily"

The detective then indicted to his belt holster and the Colt HE carried.

So which is it guys? To oil or not to oil?

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Noah Webster

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Light oil, at least that is what works for me on my 1911's. Too much oil can collect dust and grit, stains the clothing when carrying the pistol and gets thrown around when shooting. I have afriend that lubes like he had his own oil well, when he gets done shooting, he is covered with black, oily spots.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
I would have to side with the detective. I wouldn't keep it "dry", but it seems a lot of folks tend to soak their guns in oil and then wonder why it keeps trapping dirt and powder where you don't want it. Oil a lot only for long term storage, wipe it off and apply only a little for usage.
The "Oil it till it drips, then oil some more" school of thought came from the days when the metallurgy of guns was questionable, and wear was often fast and damaging. Not to mention that lubricant technology was little more than barely refined crude byproducts put in a can with a spout. Many match/target shooters, especially the 1911 types, still adhere to this. However, if you use a gun for CCW or daily carry in law enforcement, you'll soon learn the folly of this.
Use a good quality oil, spray/drip it on, wipe it in, and good to go.


A "Miss" is the ultimate overpenetration!
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Wake up and realize that you have the moral imperative of action..!!!

[This message has been edited by Banzai (edited June 04, 2000).]
Whether I'm using Tetra Grease or plain-ole oil, I'll put one small drop on each slide rail. I'll put another small drop on the barrel and rub it around the barrel's circumference. On a 1911, I'll also put just a tid-bit around the guide-rod and around the slide-stop pin which goes through the barrel link.

No when I'm talkin' small, I mean a drop that measures about 1/16" to 1/8" across. I leave just a very thin layer of oil or grease - that's it. I don't want any oil seeping out of my gun.

¡Viva la RKBA!
Bulldawg: NRA, GOA, TSRA, Shiner Bock Connoisseur.
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Too much oil or grease for that matter, attracks grit. Grit, be it sand, plain old dirt, or gun powder residue is an abrasive and acts as such on moving parts.
A certain amount is inevidable but why make it excessive.
Oil lightly and watch how much cleaner your weapon is.
Let's take a 1911 type. Put one or two drops on each side rail, a drop or two on the recoil spring, one or two down the front of the hammer to lube the sear and disconnector. Add a couple on the barrel where it slides in the bushing. Should be enough.

A gun should be dripping oil? Aaarrrgh! What idiocy is next?

Yeah, do like Jim sez. Rack it a time or two. Any visible oil? Wipe it off.

Outside, pretty close to dry. Inside, not quite that close.

When I disassemble a 1911 for cleaning--and I'm talking all the way to taking out the trigger, I'm liberal with WD 40, but then I wipe it down before reassembly. Just a barely visible sheen on the parts.

Before putting any gun back into storage, I put whatever oil I'm using onto a patch, and sipe down the outside surfaces I've touched.

Basically, the thinnest possible film to avoid rust is all you need.

:), Art
After I've cleaned my 1911, I stand the slide muzzle down on the bench & put one drop of oil in each rail slot and let it run down. Then I put a drop on the hood of the barrel, and use a Q-tip to spread it around the entire barrel assembly. Then I use the same Q-tip to spread the oil around the inside of the barrel bushing. After assembly, I rack the slide several times and then wipe the excess drops off the back of the frame.
Moderation is the key. Light oil, except for long term storage.

I've seen too many guns "frozen" due to oil/sludge buildup.

Shoot straight & make big holes, regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center

[This message has been edited by 45King (edited June 06, 2000).]
It may be of little interest, but for CCW license folks (and others) who may prefer not to attract attention, some police dogs are trained to sniff for gun oil and gun cleaners as well as certain other substances.
