A Little Poetic Humor

Mike Spight

New member
Fellow TFL'ers:

With all the bad news we've had to deal with since Columbine, I know I personally appreciate the lighter hearted posts we have here from time to time. I thought I might share some poetry a fellow IDPA shooter (he's also an IPSC/USPA member, shooter and certified as a RO/SO with that organization) passed to us at our Wed night IDPA match in Overland Park. DISCLAIMER: I used to be an IPSC shooter and member...I have the utmost respect for the discipline, skill and athletic abilities of Enos, Leatham, Barnhart, et al....this is not a IPSC/USPA flame and if it is taken as such, LIGHTEN UP! Anyway, I read recently that an IPSC Grand Master (not identified in the article) stated that IDPA stands for "...I Don't Practice Anymore...", so consider this a good natured retort! BTW, I don't know who wrote it, but it's very good!


We don't have to expect no stinkin' unexpected stuff...
'cause we memorized the whole of next month's match and that's certainly enough.

Safeties? Our guns ride loose in funny holsters 'cause they're designed that way...If we dropped one in the dirt we'd just get DQ'ed anyway.

MAJOR NINES! TWO POUND TRIGGERS! SPEED RIGS! We dance to that tune...'cause conditions are so perfect every Sunday afternoon.

We always, always count our rounds and here's the reason why...to maximize our scores we must reload before we're dry.

So we never shoot to slide-lock and we never look like fools...see, the folks who write the matches are all guys who know the rules.

We like the way our stance looks when we wear our shorts and shades...and we never engage targets that might grapple or use blades.

We scope our rifles, pistols and our shotguns too for all our gaming...it makes our scores look so good 'cause we don't shoot when it's raining.

So you best not mess with me dude, or I'll run home so fast...to get my comped, red-dotted Roony from out of the safe to smoke your sorry ass.

'Cause I'm an IPSC Gamesman and I'm positive, you see...that Murphy's Law just can't and won't ever apply to me.

If this has been posted previously, my apoligies...I think it's a hoot and wanted to share it.

I resemble that song !
Down Under, they'll shoot in the most unbearable conditions sent by J.MB to "test" us ! ;)
I always have a chuckle when a $3000 you beaut, state of the art gun goes Clunk...lol
And us Stock guys keep bangin' away. :D
Many a time I've slide locked 'cause I get too excited to bother with coun'tin rounds.
That's why I have all those large capacity mags hangin' on my belt isn't it ? ;)
It's when your gun does a half gainer with a twist outa your front break holster, the idea of thumb breaks & full holsters begin to make "practical" Tactical sense ! :o
Too Gamey ?
Not for me..... Yet :)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Very clever! I can't help but think that it would make a good rap song (even though I hate rap cr@p) with the rhyming and all. I can hear the guys at the range with BOOM boxes playing it now. Da dada da, dada da da. Hey kid, turn that thing off! Oops, sorry mr. Leatham.