A little help with a Maverick 88 Security


New member
I recently purchased a Maverick 88 12 gauge, 18 1/2", 6 shot pump at Academy for $190. I have several handguns, so I did the normal, take home, clean, and re-assemble.

Then I ran into a problem.I could only load two shells. Needless to say, I was a bit miffed:mad:. I am assuming I am missing something.

If anyone has any ideas, please explain in small words, I was in the Navy.:o

Thanks all!
I have a standard maverick and it came with a magazine plug. I don't know why a security model would, but that would limit your mag to only accept 2 shells.
It sounds like its got a plug in it. Any shotgun that you buy in Washington at least has got a stopper that allows it to only hold 2 shells in the tube and one in the barrel.

They do that because of hunting regulations.
Khumanos said:
Any idea how to remove this plug?
I assume it's the same as in the Moss. 500, a dowel with an o-ring at either end... Make sure the gun is unloaded, unscrew the cap at the end of the mag tube and remove the barrel, point the gun down and shake it -- the dowel should come out the end of the tube... Now put it somewhere safe, in case you ever want to hunt with this gun. :)