A little help,please


New member
In another internet forum,actually a singles site,a thread started about concealed carry.
I suggested society was safer.I got the following response:

On what do you base your statement that society has
become much safer with an increase in concealed carry permits?

Does anyone know how much the population (of say just the
USA) has increased since JFK's time, about 40 years?
Do the statistics on serious crime show that same percentage
of increase? Are there any VALID statistics on how many
serious crimes were prevented because the intended victim
carried a gun, concealed or otherwise?

I have carried a gun, not concealed, for protection in times
gone by. I've had guns stored in my home, separate from
the ammo. No longer. I realized that by the time I reacted with some knowledge
of the circumstances and ability with the weapon, my time
would already be used up. I don't believe that I could
adequately and properly react if someone already intent
on committing a crime against me came along. Therefore
I don't want guns around me or anyone else.

I replied that numbers do exist,and that to give the response justice I would have to do some research.And,I thanked her for her question.

What I don't need,is 300 rants in response.

What would be very helpful is a draft or 2 that is clear,accurate,and provides some statistics and sources .

I want to answer in a way that does us all proud and tells the truth.

Thanks HiBC
You might want refer to John Lott's book More Guns, Less Crime. You might also want to look up Gary Kleck's work. He did a study of the frequency with which guns are used to prevent violent crime. You could probably find much of this material by searching the Internet.

I would also point out to your correspondent that the fact that she has concluded that she is lacks the ability to effectively use a gun in self defense may mean that she has made the correct choice for herself. But many people have sought out and obtained available training and are in fact qualified and able to effectively defend themselves. She would be too, if she undertook to be trained and become sufficiently proficient.

You might also want to check out http://www.keepandbeararms.com/. That site includes, among other things, links to news stores about the use of gun by private citizens in self defense. It also includes links to other resources that you may find helpful. Also, check out http://www.nranews.com/nranews.aspx and http://www.nra.org/home.aspx .
Does anyone know how much the population (of say just the
USA) has increased since JFK's time, about 40 years?
Do the statistics on serious crime show that same percentage
of increase?

This is a naive question. Theoretically, if there were a population increase in the last 40 years, the PERCENTAGE increase of serious crime would be nil. I.e. if there is more violent crime it wouldn't just be tied to a larger population, it would also be tied to movement towards urban areas (higher crime rates), social program changes, strength of the economy, breakdown of lower class vs rest of the population, etc.

Are there any VALID statistics on how many
serious crimes were prevented because the intended victim
carried a gun, concealed or otherwise?

To answer the question of whether there is a net benefit, one would need to know both how many crimes were prevented and how many accidents were introduced. Carry, in fact, introduces few accidents vs the generic "gun in the home causes more accidents" line of thinking that is being introduced. Don't confuse the two.
Concealed Carry and crime

I solved this by doing a search on concealed carry and crime.The first offering was wikipedia,and it did a pretty good job,including referencing Mr Lott's book.I posted the link,thanked her for asking the question,and gave her kudos for being realistic in assessing her situation.
Smiling education!!! I think it is important to meet challenges like she presented as an opportunity,and also with care.Thanks.
I'm pretty sure (and FL comes to mind) that an investigation into the number of violent crimes before a particular state allowed concealed carry and after will reveal the info for which you're looking.

Of course, anybody with a modicum of logical reasoning skills could surmise that society would be safer with more honest citizens' carrying concealed.
I don't believe that I could
adequately and properly react if someone already intent
on committing a crime against me came along. Therefore
I don't want guns around me or anyone else.

That's the achille's heel of the leftist's anti-gun argument. It's about what they want or what they wish... not about reality.

He doesn't "want" guns around him or anyone else. His hopeful thinking will not prevent the many criminals in our midst from going against his "wishes".

Lenin once said that we in the west were a bunch of "wishful thinkers". I am afraid he was right.

As for me, I have no time for fairytale dreams. I prefer to live in reality. My .45 is concealed on my hip right now and it will be with me all day.

...on another internet forum,actually a singles site

That falls under the category of "Too Much Info". :)
On "Too much info"

Context of audience.Some operations take place behind the lines.

Propaganda is where you find it. "If even one mind is opened....." :-)