A little good news for a change/go judge Amy!


New member
Judges in Florida and Connecticut have rejected municipal lawsuits
against gun manufacturers. The laws in those states require that
plaintiffs in product liability cases show that they were harmed by a
specific defect in a specific product made by a specific manufacturer.
"If you were to get exactly what you wanted, [guns would] be taken off
the market entirely," said Florida Circuit Court Judge Amy Dean to the
plaintiffs. Of course, that is precisely the game.

Harvard Law School Professor Kip Viscusi notes, "Even if they have
standing, what's the trigger that justifies liability? The fact that
people die from gunshots does not necessarily mean that you can recoup
from the gun industry any more than it means that you can file suit
against the automobile industry because people die in car crashes. I
think it's a good thing that we're finally getting some legal
resolution on how far people can go in suing manufacturers of risky
Reversal at the Federal level is precedent setting. Now, if it is supported by the Circuit, we're 1/3 the way to the Supremes. What we'll need is another Fed to disagree and the Supremes will step in.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Gary if it made it to the supreme court would they rule as the court is now or wait until the next pres appoints some new justices, ie are there enough right now to rule and would they narrow their ruling down to the lawsuit or could we get them to rule on the Second, I know, probably just a pipe dream.