OK, the following link is where you can sign up for the MMM's action email list. By signing up, you will be able to help counter their calls to action.
If they write "Email your congressman and demand X," you can write the fellow/gal and demand negative-X. If enough of us do this, then instead of getting a one-sided block of pro-control letters and emails, they'll get a 50-50 share (or better)!
You do have to give an name and address -- I used a pseudonym and the address of the local landfill. Whatever you give, you will be:
1) Wasting their postage
2) Undermining the value of their lists. Groups rent and swap each other's lists. This is a money making venture for MMM. If we thin out the lists with our own names/pseudonyms and addresses, it doesn't pull as well, making it less valuable.
Oh, and if you don't want to give your regular email, you can get free email at www.hotmail.com www.yahoo.com www.disinfo.com
among other places
If they write "Email your congressman and demand X," you can write the fellow/gal and demand negative-X. If enough of us do this, then instead of getting a one-sided block of pro-control letters and emails, they'll get a 50-50 share (or better)!
You do have to give an name and address -- I used a pseudonym and the address of the local landfill. Whatever you give, you will be:
1) Wasting their postage
2) Undermining the value of their lists. Groups rent and swap each other's lists. This is a money making venture for MMM. If we thin out the lists with our own names/pseudonyms and addresses, it doesn't pull as well, making it less valuable.
Oh, and if you don't want to give your regular email, you can get free email at www.hotmail.com www.yahoo.com www.disinfo.com
among other places