A little C&B trivia


New member
Let's see who gets this little bit of cap and ball picture trivia first by ID'ing this revolver (see attachment). Bonus points if you can tell where it's located.

Apologies for the poor picture, but the glass was thick, the light was low and the angle of display, unforgiving. :)


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I asked a stupid question and erased it !!! (Hint: I figured out that it's part of the mount for the revolver, nothing to do with the barrel lug! Gee's!! I better get to the shop!!!lol)
Follow me on Instagram @ goonsgunworks
One day later.... Hawg was first to ID it as an L&R in record time-congrats to him. :)
As to the bonus: If anyone else wants to examine it closely, it's on display at the Museum of the Confederacy's Appomattox branch (along with Lee's dress sword, a nice captured 1860 Spencer that a Virginia officer stashed in his Petersburg home till after the war, some 1860 Colts, and a great Remington New Army which I also took pictures of).
You can also read the L&R's story there. Its original owner died in battle and the revolver was rescued by a friend who kept it through the rest of the war, as I recall.
Great game. I for one would love to see the 1858.

This is the first time I can see my Sig, might want to rethink that or at least use a smiley. :eek: