A letter to the future President of the U.S.A.

To whom it may concern,

It has come to my attention that I have been moved into the position of second class citizen because I choose to own firearms.

I find this to be greatly disturbing. If there were no private firearms owners then people like you would have no power to proclaim dissent with the current political system that you claim needs your version of repair.

I beg you to realize that long after you and your political ideals have passed on we will still need to defend our lives, liberty and property.

You will not!!!!------
promise us these fundimental rights, yet you want to make me and my children (and their children's children) criminals because we refuse to be second class citizens who demand the right to own fist class weapons for defense, sport, fun and food.

I would hope that your bank balance (or position) doesn't make you think that you are better than the the rest of us "civilians" who must continue to make due after your magic wand of law has attempted to disarm us all in the name of "good"


an an overly average citizen who just wants to live life unharmed and who desires to do no harm.

A bit too simplified maybe?

I think our new batch of candidates need simple words in simple sentences. I think this letter mightbe too complex for the dopasses we have running now, but we can always hope that at least one of of them is literate.
If i posted my true letter to the future president , it would have something to do with.. If a bill comes across your desk with the word " ban", gun, assault weapon, destructive device or anything regardin the second ammendment, you shall veto it, unless it is repealing the CA idiotitis gun laws, the DC handgun ban and other idiotic laws running around.
If I go much further with this rant i will get banned from posting. I will just go sit in a corner and calm down now.......