A jug for your vote....


New member
Years ago politicians successfully solicited votes by passing out jugs of whiskey....sure many a gentleman's principles got swayed by the effects of the alcohol.

If a politician were to pass out complimentary guns in exchange for your vote....would you trade a vote for a gun?
Compared to all the meaningless crap they spend their campaign money on that does me no good whatsoever, I'd almost be compelled to vote for someone based on that. It says to me that they're pro 2A and they're against wasteful, useless spending--that's about all I ask from any political critter these days.
My vote cannot be bought, with the exception of using "currency" of doing that which I approve in office. I don't care if they have briefcases full of cash or a transferrable full auto M16 that they're willing to give me. If I don't deem them better than their opponent at taking my nation/state/other political subdivision down the right path (or at least, I deem their opponent as likely being worse), then that person will not get my vote.

If I am willing to vote for a person, there's no need to hand out whiskey, ARs, or anything else, since it would have no bearing on it anyway.
SURE!!! Since we don't sign the ballot the sucka will never know if I did or not vote for him!;):D
I am easy, a free jug of Kentucky Bourbon and I will vote for your grandma for President. Add in a free 1911 (my choice) and I will even vote for Bush...no strike that it's too late.:D
"My vote cannot be bought..."

And conversely, any politician willing to buy votes does not deserve them.

An ugly (and therefore unsaid) truth about Nazi Germany and representative government: It wasn't some mass anti-Semitic, xenophobic hysteria that put the Nazis in power. That's a myth that people in other democracies tell themselves to make them feel better about the potential to go from free and democratic society to police state in a few short years. What really put the Nazis in the Reichstag was the promise of jobs, redistributed wealth, free healthcare, stronger economy, and nationalist pride. Hardly any Germans wanted to start and lose WWII, murder 13 million people in an industrial fashion, or live in a police state in 1932.

Whether it's a free gun, a bottle of whiskey, or a free doctor visit, it's still a political bribe.
Limey, In real reality they don't buy a vote... they give you a gift and than you in turn hear out their speal... kinda like a time share *free* vacation...:rolleyes:
History repeats itself.

What really put the Nazis in the Reichstag was the promise of jobs, redistributed wealth, free healthcare, stronger economy, and nationalist pride.
Where have I heard those same promises being made recently?
Sounds exactly like Hillary and Obama
And conversely, any politician willing to buy votes does not deserve them.

In a round about way, doesn't the system itself lend the politicians the ability to buy our votes? Big money wins elections.

Rather than suffer through endless TV, radio and door to door shilling that really does nothing but tell the public what we want to hear, I'd take my share of the advertising dollar for a bottle of bourbon....