A interesting conversation at the range


New member
After a shooting session at a newly opened local range/gun shop one of the owners asked about what he considered my unusual shooting stance-Ye Old One Hand Target Shooting Stance. As a Life Member of SNM-Sons of Neanderthal Man-I have usually been about 40 years behind the times, but I found it interesting that a gun range owner-and one who offers several courses of instruction-would find what I consider to be the only way to learn to shoot a handgun so intriguing and rather novel.
He is probably just trying to get to know his customers...strike up some conversation. I think its a good thing ...for him to ask...maybe he was just curious.
There is the concept of, "...train how you will fight..." If one's intention is to never be in a position to shoot defensively, but only want to do traditional bullseye shooting, then there is no reason to shoot other than one handed, off hand. However, few would consider the off-hand stance appropriate for hunting, the various events like bowling pin, and the combat simulation competitions, etc. Off hand is only really ideal for off-hand shooting because that is what the rules dictate.
After a shooting session at a newly opened local range/gun shop one of the owners asked about what he considered my unusual shooting stance-Ye Old One Hand Target Shooting Stance. As a Life Member of SNM-Sons of Neanderthal Man-I have usually been about 40 years behind the times, but I found it interesting that a gun range owner-and one who offers several courses of instruction-would find what I consider to be the only way to learn to shoot a handgun so intriguing and rather novel.

Maybe he's a newer to shooting fella and is unfamiliar with the duelist stance, or some of the various one hand stances for bullseye shooting. Also it could be you were using some of the older "point shooting" stances or the FBI and older GI stances from when one handed combat shooting was the norm. These might throw him off or provoke an attitude on his part.

Anyway it might be a friendly thing to do to ask him sometime about it. Could lead to an interesting friendship.

As a motivation for further conversations with this fellow, be sure to shoot two handed using the time honored method of the support hand wrapped around the shooting hand wrist.