A Hypocrite,, Through and Through


New member
Cops know Clinton is phony
Plus: Stressing our differences;
Freedom for terrorists

© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

It's taken nearly seven years, but it looks as
though -- finally -- rank and file cops are ready
to publicly call Clinton the hypocrite he is
regarding law enforcement and gun control.

According to an article in Capitol Hill Blue
Sept. 8, the Law Enforcement Alliance of
America is preparing to launch an ad campaign
(today) decrying Clinton's hypocrisy and
informing Americans that, among other things,
Clinton's "Justice" Department has had a 46
percent drop in prosecutions since Attorney
General Janet Reno took over.

Specifically, the LEAA's campaign will oppose
"the president, congressional Democrats and
other gun control advocates." Jim Fortiss,
executive director of the 65,000-member strong
LEAA, said that Clinton "almost on a daily
basis, exploits the rank-and-file of the law
enforcement community to further his anti-gun
agenda, yet his own administration has a
reprehensible record of prosecuting criminals
who violate the laws already on the books."

"It is an insult to the injured and maimed
police officers and all in law enforcement who
risk their lives on a daily basis to even consider
more gun legislation, not to mention releasing
convicted terrorists for politically motivated
reasons," he added.

Amen. How many times have we heard this?
And yet -- to hear Clinton, Democrats and the
mainstream media tell it -- all cops hate guns
and those who own them. That's just garbage.

In fact, study after study has shown that some
90 percent of police officers regularly say they
support gun rights and the right to carry a
concealed weapon. They say that because they
-- and not the anointed gun socialists -- know
that such constitutional principles are key
deterrents to crime. Outside of posting a cop
on every street corner -- which is Clinton's wet
dream and the wet dream of every socialist
authoritarian -- guns in the hands of America's
law abiding stop more crime than anything

But you cannot convince the gun Nazis that
this is either true or a sound idea. No, they'd
rather continue to have their loved ones
gunned down by real criminals who know that
neither they nor their neighbors are armed and
can do nothing to stop them. They'd rather
continue to be too scared to walk down their
own streets while pointing fingers at law
abiding gun owners and comparing them to
some distant, knuckle-dragging relative of the
human race.

What cowardly stupidity. It is these gun Nazis
-- and not law abiding gun owners -- who are
most responsible for hundreds of violent crime
deaths a year. It is they who insist on an
unarmed and undefended population. It is
they who revel in perpetual "victim" status, not
pro-rights Americans who long ago realized
that guns -- not laws and not politicians -- help
keep American society safe. The most recent
crime figures bear this out.

The LEAA hopes to convince millions of
Americans that most beat cops are neither
afraid of the Second Amendment nor of the
right of anyone to use it. They already know
what the socialist Clinton and his Democrat
and Republican cohorts don't care to admit:
Cops, too, are safer with more guns on the

Stressing our differences

Tuesday night ABC aired a one-hour special
highlighting the "important impact" Latino
music is having on American culture. I didn't
care to watch that so I began cable channel
flipping and simultaneously conducting a little

As I flipped the TV channels, I noticed there
were cable channels specifically catering to
blacks and Hispanics, as well as Asians and
women. There were no cable channels
specifically for white Americans and, even
more specifically, white American males.

Nothing but more political correctness, I
thought. But really, it's much more than that. It
seems like a conscious effort to fractionalize --
to "balkanize" -- this country because each time
a popular media outlet emphasizes the
differences between us Americans instead of
our similarities, it drives a wedge further
between us. And someday, I fear, the
recognition gap will be so wide there will be
no breaching it. By then, we'll all simply be
different people living in the same country,
instead of all of us being Americans.

I hate the notion of a "hyphenated" American:
An African-American, a Hispanic-American, an
Asian-American, or a European-American. There
are no such things; these titles were all created
out of whole cloth by socialists who know that
the only way to control a population is to
divide and conquer it. To the people who
believe this, I say, "Do you remember the
'ethnic Albanian' label we gave to former
Yugoslavians?" Is any of this sinking in?

As long as those who control the direction our
culture travels insist upon dividing us instead
of highlighting our similarities as Americans --
language, U.S. customs, principles and
American culture -- there will never be unity.

And if that happens, you might as well plan on
your children's children having to live in
squalor and misery while they fight for their
own survival because this country, someday,
will self-destruct once all the common bonds
have been destroyed. It's inevitable. And that
ought to anger all of us -- no matter what our
"ethnic" background -- enough to want to do
something to stop it.

We can start by telling these PC antagonists to
stuff their notions of "popular" culture.

Freeing terrorists

No matter what the reason for President
Clinton's granting of clemency to 11 FALN
members -- political expediency, because he
cares, or whatever -- the result will be the same.
Once they walk out of prison, their ties to over
130 bombings in U.S. cities and possessions
will mean nothing, and a group of avowed
terrorists will go free.

That is the real problem I have with Clinton's
clemency deal to former Puerto Rican
nationalists -- several known terrorists
connected to bona fide terror bombings are
walking out of jail because we have a president
who doesn't give a rat's behind what the
American people think about anything.

And are we going to be safer for it? Oh, sure we
are -- that's because Clinton made these
committed nationalists sign a paper pledging
not to be bad anymore. That is, 11 of them
signed the paper; four others who were
convicted at the same time as the others are
still so committed to Puerto Rican nationhood
that they wouldn't even sign the clemency

How's that for "rehabilitation?"

And what happens if these Puerto Rican punks
go and bomb U.S. buildings? Does anyone
seriously think the conscience-less Clinton will
be held liable?

Maybe the Republicans will "conduct an
investigation" and we'll all be able to rest
easier knowing they "got to the bottom of this."

The signal Clinton is sending to the rest of the
world -- that the U.S. is morally weak,
leadership poor and vulnerable -- will invite,
not deter, future attacks on our soil. I don't
guess he'll be held liable for that, either.