A HD question... Outside the house?


New member
Whats the legality of one walking outside their house with a loaded weapon to check out a noise outside?

I know its best to take a defensive position and call for help in a bad situation, but lets say I heard something, its creeping me out, and I want to go outside and have a look?

Is it going to be a problem to have someone walking around in their own back or front yard with a shotgun checking things out?


-Brian :)
BAD idea. If it is a perp(s), they have you pinpointed.If not,cops and neighbors may have a dim view of folks patrolling with weapons, even if it is legal.
Pinpointed? What if they already knew where I was inside the house anyway? (Peeking in the window.) What if they're out there stealing my lawnmower, or breaking into my car or something?

As far as people not liking someone patrolling about, armed with a gun, I had certainly considered that...

But -- the situation I had in mind was one where you were more than certain there was someone outside your house who had no business being there.

Would you sit in your house while you think someones messing with your stuff?

Would you go outside to a possible confrontation unarmed?

At what point do you decide to go armed?

Sorry to be so long -- not trying to pester ya', this is just interesting talk. ;)


Good Evening Everyone-

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>What if they're out there stealing my lawnmower, or breaking into my car or something?[/quote]

Brian, why didn't you tell us they were stealing your lawnmower? By all means, BLAST 'EM with the shotgun. Their days of lawnmower rustlin' have come to an end! ;)

Seriously though, this isn't much of a threat to your life or the lives of your loved ones. Even if your local laws permit use of firearms to protect property, shooting someone has got to be something pretty "heavy" to carry with you all yer' days.

There are some GREAT threads on this kind of topic if you do a search in the General Discussion board. Some of the conversation has been so exciting it's continued to Part III, Part IV, etc., etc.

Regards to all,

~ Blue Jays ~
I have a REALLY NICE LAWNMOWER, damnit! :D

I was thinking less along the lines of shooting them for taking my mower, and more along the lines of, what if they shoot me for coming out and having a look! :)

I'll check out the old threads some more... thanks.
If you should go out side with a gun tell the 911 operator to inform the officer that you (the property owner) will possibly be out side and armed and give a good description of what you will be wearing. There have been more than a few cases in which the officer responding has shot the home owner thinking he was the BG. Another possiblity is a neighbor hearing the same noise you have and upon looking out sees you creeping around in the yard with a gun and calls the police. Always make sure you inform the 911 operator if investigating a suspcious bump in the night in a populated area.

Going outside will be next to impossible to defend in court. It looks like you are itching for a fight. You have a gun and you have a telephone. The gun stays inside and the telephone gets used to call the police. I can not think of any reason to go outside short of the house burning down. The gun is a weapon of last resort. When the bad guy is outside and you are inside that is a good situation. Keep the controls to your sprinklers and outdoor lights within the house and turn both on. Easy to defend in court and very effective.
What they said.

In general, you cannot use deadly force to protect property...so going outside with a gun is not a good idea. You're either willing to go to jail or you're writing a check you won't cash...either way, you lose. :(

Now, if you have a large, vicious dog that just HAD to go to the bathroom..."gee, officer. I had NO IDEA there was anyone out there until Bruno walked back into the house with a femur. Gosh! Is the perp- errr...is the gentleman okay?" ;) :D

I never said that. ;)


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein
About ten years ago, a man in a city not far from mine went out with his shotgun to investigate some suspicious noises. At the same time, the local PD was called to investigate a nearby domestic/man-with-a-gun situation. They saw the uninvolved home owner walking around his yard with a gun, challenged him, and killed him with a burst of machine gun fire when he turned around.

I'll stay inside and let Mr. Insurance man write me a nice check for a stolen lawnmower.
Good Evening Everyone-

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Good dog, Bruno!!!
"I had NO IDEA there was anyone out there until Bruno walked back into the house with a femur."
[/quote] Coranach, that's a classic!

GaryH, great point about the sprinkers. Never thought about that one and it makes all the sense in the world. Getting drenched could certainly cause a criminal to lose their concentration long enough to move along to an easier target.

You ever see those speaker systems that can be placed in outdoor gardens? Something like that with a microphone hook-up could also work pretty well if the system either pumps music or acts as a PA system depending on how you flick the switch.

Regards to all,

~ Blue Jays ~

Thanks. :)

Actually, the sprinkler one is a GREAT solution to 'loitering' problems. The police actually tell homeowners and property managers that. If anyone out there ever has trouble with people hanging around on your lawn and being obnoxious, just figure out when they're there (like...teenagers right after the school bus dumps 'em off), and put a timer on your lawn sprinkler and do your daily watering when they're normally there. End of problem.


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein