A gun shaped like a smartphone

Interesting but a two shot derringer in 380 that looks like a smart phone is a little light on firepower.
But interesting. <$400 also places it in a good price range.
Over the years there have been other versions of this ideal ( even a .22 caliber Zippo lighter ) but I was under the impression that the BATFE put the brakes on these?? Must not have .
Ya I recall the old pager (22LR) guns and the other cell phone guns in small calibers. Interesting that they are trying again but with only 2 shots? You would think they could squeeze in a few more.
#1, it doesn't look like a gun, which is, basically, the ATF's requirement to put something in the AOW class.

#2, how is the op NOT a drive by post??
Another "gimmick" concealed carry gun aimed at people who have never owned a gun before. Like others have said, has it even gotten an OK from the BATF to be sold without an NFA tax stamp?
I suspect it's not an NFA weapon, as it has to be unfolded to shoot.
Unfolded, it is shaped like a gun. If the pen guns could be made this way, I'm sure these would also qualify.
We've had many discussions of gun retention with OC. Certainly the cell phone snatch rate is tremendous as stated before as a threat.

So do you have two cells on your belt. Why you would look like a dork!
Hardly anyone wears their cell phone on their belt, guys. That is so 2000s.

I saw the article and like the idea. Could make CC a much more viable option for a lot of people.
Good idea, the cops need another reason to shoot folks carrying phones.

What kind of cretinous moron would even consider a 2-shot derringer with inherent delay in deployment, for self-defense?

Tech Ninjas, that's who.
I see way more downsides to this than up.

There might be some utility to it, if it were ALSO a phone. And if it were a smart phone with a "smart gun" in it, you MIGHT get the anti's to give it a pass, if not actually approve.

On the other hand, once word is on the street that a phone might be a gun, I think you will see an increase in both the number of, and violence of attacks to get the gunphone by the badguys.

And, as mentioned, cops will be "at risk" from every person they see with a smart phone, and some of them are going to shoot.

Neat idea, for James Bond, or the Man from UNCLE, for the rest of us, not so much, I'm thinking.
Bill D is right, it has to be unfolded to shoot. Kinda like them Kel Tecs.

I'd be interested in one. Toss it in a shirt pocket or back pants pocket - no one will know the wiser around the office. Granted a LCP in a pocket holster can do the same but it still LOOKS like a gun if part of it sticks out of the pocket.