A great week of hunting.~*Long Post*~

Folks, I couldn't have had a better week of hunting. Even though I only took a doe, I don't think a buck would have felt any better.

Tuesday morning me, my lil' brother, and my buddy arrive at the farm. That first morning is spent on with me and Greg (my buddy, Highpower) on a powerline. My little brother (Brian) went to the shooting house. Me and Greg only saw a doe, but she crossed the opening way to fast for a shot to even be considered.

Brian didn't see anything.

Let me toss in a few details that I left out in the beginning. Brian or Greg have never taken a deer in their life. My priority on this hunt was to make sure they did, or at least try to increase their chances. I gave them both my favorite spots in hopes that they'd tag something.

Now that that's clear, let me continue.

Brian hunted the shooting house again that evening, while me and Greg went over to my uncles to hunt a couple more food plots. I passed on a doe, because I didn't want my shot messing up Gregs hunting. We were about 150 yards apart on the same field. He on a food plot at one corner, me on another--same side of the field, but well out of any danger range. Greg saw nothing that evening.

The next morning we all slept in, it was cold, windy, and we all three had the head cold that's been going around.

After getting up around 1130 and going to Vidalia to get some lunch, we came back by my uncles to check out the food plots and do some mid-day scouting. We found a 2.5' rattlesnake that I caught and released. (I'll post the pictures when I get them scanned) and Greg shot it right after it's release. He mumbled something about "the only good snake is a dead one". I shook my head at his mentality, laughed, and pushed onward.

That evening, I put Greg on a firebreak of mine that was about 100 yards from the house. This firebreak is perfect. It runs right on the edge of swamp and planted pine thicket that's not been burned since it's planting. The break runs right up to a large white oak that's been pouring acorns since opening weekend. Brian took the shooting house again (he's scared to sit on the ground because of the coyotes and bobcats - he's 20 *L*) And then I took the other food plot that's surrounded by oaks.

At 1645, two does came out into the plot and began eating. I watched the mother and her little one feed for about 10 minutes in hopes that a buck may be on their tail. He wasn't. When they got down wind of my scent wicks that were drenched in Tinks 69, the mother went on full alert. She looked at her little one, and the yearling went back into the wood line. The mother started the same direction, so I figured it's now or never. I put the crosshairs above the shoulder right on the spine, and layed her down where she stood. I put another round in, eased the safety back on, and waited for the sun to set. As I waited, I thanked God for giving me the deer, and letting my shot find it's mark. I let her lay like I asked about in my earlier post. Another deer, probably the little one, blew the rest of the evening.

Around 1730, I was still watching the food plot when Gregs .308 broke the silence. Boo-yow!....... Boo-yow!. Two shots, about 5 seconds apart. I had told Greg that if he shot a deer and it dropped to come get me at dark. And that if it had run off, come get me no matter what the time. Not 2 minutes after the shots rang out, the Ranger made it's way across the field.

Greg pulled up and was excited. He was out of breath, sweating, and damn near on the verge of a heart attack! I asked him, "did you get one?"... he shook his head and said, "no man, I got two!!!". I was tickled for him. We went to pick up Brian and then went on to where Greg was at. Being almost dark, near a swamp and a 10,000 acre pine thicket, I wanted all the help I could get!

We found both of Gregs deer, no further than 30 yards from where he shot them. He was excited and we all high-fived and hugged each other. Greg for taking his first, Brian for helping me track and drag them out, and we all silently thanked God for letting it happen.

To make a long story shorter, we took all three deer to the processing plant. They skin, gut, quarter, AND process it for $45 a deer. That's not a bad deal at all!

The next day I tried my best to talk Brian into hunting that funnel area of mine. He refused, because like I said, he hates sitting on the ground. I hunted it that evening and didn't see anything either. There were scrapes, rubs, droppings, and "chase tracks" all over the place. No deer though -- or at least not that evening.

Brian didn't get his deer like I had hoped he would, but he did make my proud. He passed up a doe that was 100 yards out on that food plot. He had bumped his scope earlier and didn't want to risk making a bad shot.

I had taken a doe, Greg had taken two, and Brian let his "claim to fame" walk because he wasn't sure if his scope was on. I couldn't be more prouder of him if he'd of dropped a B&C buck.

Then, I hit another doe in my truck the night before coming home. But THAT'S another long story...

Thanks for taking the time to read this long story. I tend to get longwinded when I'm happy.
Sounds like you had a great time. Brian sounds like he's a smart youngun. Where I hunt I have had to pass on a couple of shots because of skylining. Hope to get out next week.
Man, I didn't about have any
heart-attack...I was just abit excited is all. Again, thank you brother for everything. Great post.

No King is saved by the size of his army, No warrior excapes by his great strength alone.