A great way to spend a cool noon hour


New member
Warmed up the Lee pot, preheated the Lee two cavity mould on the stove, and started popping out 124grain 9mm boolits, first cast was perfect due to the preheating. Ran the Lee out of metal, and more is melting in it as I type this, with the mould back on the stove to stay warm.
Ah, a productive day off, gotta love it!:cool:
Armoredman we must think alike !, last evenin I warmup the 429421 filled up the pot & ran a batch off then reloaded the pot & run another 10# off !!

Pile looks as if maybe 400 bullets , I had to run at 750f to get the front band to fillout though:eek:

Maybe some culls when I refilled I forgot to turn the burner on to keep the mold warm:o

All in all a good session , happy that sweat were`nt drippin off my elbows:D
I got 268 good ones with my 2 cavity and Lee 10# pot with 5 pounds of lead in it. Shoulda put more in to start with, but I was happy. All boolits sized and lubed with LLA, drying on their sheets of wax paper overnight, load a bunch tomorrow.
Yep, big smiles. :)
I spent Saturday smelting and upgrading my loading bench. Great therapy after a difficult week. :D
The way this week is going I see a pile of shiny boolits in my near future, likely by sundown this Saturday. ;)