A great review of a TFLer's work (Best Defense 357)

Speaking of which.... bestdefense357... when are you going to release your next book? Loved the first one and have been waiting for your next one.



The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
I also want to point out that Robert Waters is a heck of a nice guy to deal with. Besides autographing a book for my boys, he also aided us lately in providing some great examples of women using firearms to defend themselves and their children - we'll be putting them up on the web site for Mothers Arms, a new organization dedicated to helping mom's learn more about their self defense options.

I also am very interested in the next book ... ;)
Outstanding bestdefense357! Congrats! :)

Jeff T, let me know when that site is up I would like to put a link to it.

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Thanks to everyone for the nice comments about my first book, and for your interest in the second one. It is tentatively entitled, "Shooting Back: More True Stories of Intended Victims Who Defended Themselves with a Firearm." There are some great stories in the book, similar to those in "The Best Defense".

"The Best Defense" was published by a mid-list publisher in Nashville because the major New York publishers wouldn't touch it. My literary agent initially submitted it to the big New York publishing houses. They all turned it down, most stating, "This is a great idea, but..." Reading between the lines, my agent and I decided that they weren't ready for a pro-gun book, even though they were obviously touched by the stories.

So after the success of "The Best Defense" (book club selection, high sales, great reviews, dozens of radio appearances by the author, etc.) we decided to submit "Shooting Back" to the same NY publishers that turned down the first book. The reason, of course, is that they have the clout to make a book a national NY Times best-seller (i.e., sell 100,000 or more copies). Since my purpose with both books has always been to reach non-gun-owners in addition to those who already are familiar with firearms, I feel the NY publishers are the best way to do that. The emotional appeal of these stories is the only thing I know that can counter the blatant anti-gun bias in the mainstream culture.

So, giving the major NY publishers a second chance is what's delaying publication. So far, the editors whom we have submitted the book to have continued their "subtle censorship" and turned the second book down. So we'll probably go back to the original publisher in Tennessee and see if he wants to do a second book. All this takes time, however, and we're probably looking at the fall of 2000 before it's published.

Again, thanks for the interest, and thanks for all the nice words. It really helps.

Congratulations BD357. Now, to help you with along on your writing career, we expect you to sell autographed (personally autographed that is) copies of both volumes to members of TFL. :) Naturally, we expect a discount too! ;)

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Best Defense.357
Dear Robert, I want to take this opperitunity to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year and to thank
you for writing both your books.
By doing so , you have done the firearms community a great service and I thank you for this.
Sincerely Yours,
Lawrence Montambault

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!