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Sure - it's fine.
Except for the connection it has to porn.

I recomend that site to be avoided.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I agree with George. If you want to see T&A buy a Girlie Magazine or go to a strip joint. Firearms are serious tools, not accessories to drape over naked women of questionable character. While I enjoy my shooting hobby emensely, I know that it has a dark side, self defense. I don't lug around two pounds of steel on my hip for sexual gratification. It's there in case I can't avoid the use of deadly force.

Enough said.
I'm no prude by any stretch of the imagination, but that site just seems creepy to me. I have no problem with pornography, nor do I have a problem with women being interested in firearms--I wish my wife was--
but women in provocative poses with firearms
makes my skin crawl. It's just so incongruous--like eating Oreo cookies while drinking beer. Yuck!

BTW, there is a company named EAA that is running a series of ads in various gun mags featuring scantily-clad women holding various firearms. Granted, the women ARE pretty, but it's such a transparent ploy I find it insulting to my intelligence. Does this company think that gun owners only think with their crotches? Isn't crap like this just playing into the hands of some anti-gunners who equate the desire for firearms with feelings of sexual inadequacy? Sometimes I think the gun community (esp. some manufacturers and marketers) is its own worst enemy.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

[This message has been edited by DAL (edited November 20, 1999).]
I don't spend much time at sights that are anti-gun. This one, like any other that violates Rule III consistently, falls in that category.
Thanks, but no thanks.

So many negative posts. You'd think i was just some perv that likes guns. Well im not, and im sure our friend MR. G Gordon Liddy would agree. If you were to look into the site a bit further you would see that these women are not getting paid for this site. They really are women that happen to be gun lovers. They own and shoot the guns they pose with. Im not forcing anyone to go to the site and im not getting paid for the AD. I simply thought people interested in guns would be glad we have trained women using firearms. I didnt intend to insult anyone intellegence, I stumbled on this site while looking for ammo deals. (there was a link to this site from an ammo dealers site)

Lighten up, enjoy any site that has firearms involved. I know i do. And again. I apologize if i offended anyone. especially Mr. Hill.

TIM : )
Hey I got some good links from the site. Much rather see a legit Babe holding a gun then a scum sucking liberal thrashing them on the front page.
Thanks Jerky!
No flames, Jerky, just some observations:
a) The photographer needs to invest in a light meter.
b) There is enough silicone there to lubricate all the guns in the world for 2 years.
c) I've seen better looking, er, uh, guns on 7th Avenue.
Is this more Politically Correct?

"The Gun from Down Under !"
E-mail hotshot_2000@hotmail.com
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After closely examining the web site in question i can only make one observation. Well question really.

So why do you go by the name "jerky"

Sorry to good to pass up. :)


Si vis pacem para bellum!

Check me out at:
<A HREF="http://www.mindspring.com/~susdan/interest.htm" TARGET=_blank>

Funny thought. I wonder what they would look like if they actually fired the gun. A jiggle here, a jiggle there... hehe :)
Stuff like that doesn't interest me but there are people who indulge themselves with those pics if you know what I mean.

Yes HS, that is very PC.
Jerky, don't worry man, those who answered with negative posts were probably on a Viagra down....Just give em' a few hours and a few pills and their feelings will change!

Oh, that is unless their wives monitor their computers to see if they've been on porno sites...
Geeeesh Guys, lighten up! I love anything that has to do with guns. And I'm not offended by scantily clad women. I also do NOT consider it porn. I did find some decent gun info there. Silly maybe, but don't take yourselves so seriously. That's the job of the anti-gunners, and forcing there opinions on others.

Heh, heh....good one Dan!

Knee deep in brass, still shootin fast!
That site is hilarious ! I realize the concern, but you have to admit, I cracked up at the Mpeg of the chick firing an FN FAL. At least check out their movies, its worth the download. I do question whether those chicks really own guns and those were their responses....
Yea man, it's naked girls.

If I wanted to see a hot naked woman, I would just call my girlfriend.

Really. I just want to talk about guns.

I think the whole idea of naked women holding rifles is silly.

Sorry, but I'll pass.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Im glad im not the only one who thinks chicks and guns are a good combo. My girlfriend saw the site and even she thinks its kinda cool that women are into guns like she is. And she thought she was the only one.

They are dressed rather sleazy i know. And most of them arent even that good lookin. But hey, G Gordon Liddys calendar girls werent all that hot either. its the principal of the whole thing.

For the ones making suggesting comments about my name, I wont even waste my time explaining it. If you think im perverted for looking at girls with guns,what were you thinking about my name ? Whos the real pervert here ?

TIM : )
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