A Good Groil


Hello any and all who have experience.

I currently use a groil mix, grease/oil, of about 2 parts 3in1 oil and 1 part Lucas marine moly grease. I love it and it smells great.

I want to know what you guys and gals use for semi autos. I have used a lot of mixes and I now stick with this for many things. Tools, reloading, vehicles, etc. Of course, some parts get only oil, others only grease, and others thinner or thicker mixes of the two.

My question is, what do you all use?

I was thinking of adding some diesel oil, 0W-40, or some steering fluid, or DOT4 brake fluid, but for cost and time I dont see advantages. I have experimented with several combos, but right now, the 3in1 and moly grease mix is my favorite.

Thanks ahead of time for any input.
I use Eezox mainly, but one of several different "unscented" oils on my big game hunting guns. For many years I used RemOil. I take care of my guns and always clean them if they get wet, but only "clean" them otherwise if they start to lose accuracy or the mood strikes. I have polished and matte stainless finishes as well as blued guns. None have ever rusted, inside or out.
My thought is that when I want to use oil, I use oil. When (and where) I want grease, I use grease.

I mostly shoot 1911s. For most locations I use either Gun Butter, or Mobil-1 15W50 with some micro-fine molybdenum powder mixed in. For the slide rails, barrel locking lugs (and for the sear tip if I do a detail strip), I use Lubriplate grease.
Lucas makes a line of guncare products if you want to use something off the shelf with their name on it.

I use oil for some applications, I use grease for some applications. I don't usually mix oil and grease in a container to formulate a lubricant, but I've sometimes gotten both oil and grease on the same area in a gun.

I do sometimes make my own "grease" by mixing a good gun oil (usually a CLP) with a very fine moly powder. The oil makes it stick where I put it, and even if the oil completely evaporates, the moly remains to provide lubrication.
Like Aguila Blanca, I use oil where I want oil and grease where I want grease.

Occasionally, I use regular old axle grease, but generally it's a moly grease.
For oil, my go-to is FP-10. Though, if I want a thick oil, I use Slip-2000 EWL.
AR bolts get grease, everything else gets oil. And by oil I mean oil...just...oil...not XYZ brand wizzbang, sparkel farkel, nut tickler, fancy pants oil. Heck pull the dip stick outta the lawn mower and wipe it on the bolt. Itll run.
Where it bears load, e.g. sear-hammer engagement, grease. Superlube synthetic grease.

Anywhere else, oil. Breakfree.

It doesn't have to be gun-anything products. More often than not, auto products works better.


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AR bolts get grease, everything else gets oil. And by oil I mean oil...just...oil...not XYZ brand wizzbang, sparkel farkel, nut tickler, fancy pants oil. Heck pull the dip stick outta the lawn mower and wipe it on the bolt. Itll run.
I prefer to not smell like engine crank case or rotten differential after a shooting session.
I also prefer oils that don't get gummy and sticky.*
I'll keep using what I've got.

*(Ironically, most of the biggest 'gummy and sticky' offenders are 'whizzbang' oils...)
For me to use anything other than commercial lube product's I would have to assume I am smarter than their company engineers, I'm not!
For me to use anything other than commercial lube product's I would have to assume I am smarter than their company engineers, I'm not!
Mobil-1 15W50 is a commercial lube product, and it was engineered by Mobil's company engineers.

It makes a great gun lube for 1911s, and mixing in some moly powder makes it even better.
I've been quite impressed with Weapon Shield oil. I use white lithium grease where I want grease - I think WS makes a grease but I haven't tried it.
I use white lithium grease where I want grease - I think WS makes a grease but I haven't tried it.
I gave up on white lithium a few years ago. I couldn't find a brand that didn't separate, dry out, and get ugly and nasty.
Except for my Garand I use Breakfree CLP on everything and have for decades. I donno, just seems to work. But then I clean with Hoppes #9 and Sweets. Don't need no whizbang, grumble, grumble, grumb....
I gave up on white lithium a few years ago. I couldn't find a brand that didn't separate, dry out, and get ugly and nasty.

Do you mean in the tube or after application? My tube has been around for a few years and is OK. I use it on the rails of pistols that I shoot fairly frequently. I doubt it has ever been on for longer than 2 months, and 1 month is probably more typical. Hasn't given me a problem. Thanks for the heads up, though - I'll pay more attention. Might need to try that WS grease after all.
Although a lot of people enjoy doing the "mad scientist" thing in their garage and have various "secret formulas" that almost never fail, I like to keep life simple. Militec1 oil and grease.
I prefer to not smell like engine crank case or rotten differential after a shooting session.
I also prefer oils that don't get gummy and sticky.*
I'll keep using what I've got.

*(Ironically, most of the biggest 'gummy and sticky' offenders are 'whizzbang' oils...)
Exactly my point. And yeah, while it would work, used gear oil, no thanks!:(