A Good 20 Guage Single Shot?


New member
I have always enjoyed shooting trap behind our farm with my brother and cousin. We have been doing more and more of it here recently but I have wanted to get a nicer gun. I love shooting the 20's over the 12's just for the comfort level of shooting all afternoon. I also have a very nice trap range about 10 minutes away that I have thought about going to shoot at on my own now and then.

But, long story short, I am wanting a nice (better than an H&R or NEF) single shot, 20 gauge trap gun. Anybody have any good ideas for what is out there? I can't seem to turn much up on Gunbroker or any of the likes. The best I have seen that looks good would be something along the lines of the Stoeger Condor Competition.

I would look for a lightly used Winchester Model 37 if I wanted another single shot. I have a Model 37 .410.
As you're aware, trap grade single shots are typically 12-ga guns. If it's within your budget, how about something a little different: you could get a Browning BT-99 (or something similar) and send it off to Briley to have a 20-ga tube fitted. It would be a target crunching 12/20-ga trap gun that would put the Stoeger Condor Comp (with its strangely pitched adjustable cheek piece) to shame.

Check out that local trap club on a tournament weekend, you might find some great gun deals.
"(better than an H&R or NEF) single shot, 20 gauge trap gun. "

I missed the trap gun part. I didn't know H&R and NEF even made trap guns.
