A fond farewell!


Member In Memoriam
Guys this is not only my 2000th post but my last one. It was a toss up between doing this in Handloading & Reloading or here in The Hunt. Hunt won :D!

I will miss this place but not as I would have missed it if Art, Oleg and others had not started http://www.thehighroad.org./.

Thanks for everything guys..............see y'all on the High Road.

It's been fun!
Carlyle, it's been real fun. I'm sorry TFL is closing down before we could have that Louisiana TFL Shoot we were planning... We'll have to make it a Louisiana THR Shoot now!
An excellent observation - -

- - -WYO, and a proper observance.

This is a joyous reunion, indeed. Why, then, my watery eyes? Never troubled with allergies before . . .

I travel I-10 through Lafayette several times a year. I was fortunate to stop over and spend the night, but just one time. Helluva nice guy. Helluva nice family. I think about him every time I travel through there...
