A Final Rosie Satire

Be sure to click on the article at the bottom on Rosie and "Annie get your gun". It's great too.
You'd think by now Rosie would get the message. I guess some people really are that dense.
Something to brighten my day...
Having to come in to work on a Saturday morning Usualy makes me cranky. This put a grin on my face.



Good one. We still have to keep on nagging K Mart to drop Rosie the roadblock as spokesman. They sure did not waste any time in dropping Fuzzy Zoeler (sp?) as spokesman for his remark about a menue item after Tiger Woods won his first golf championship. According to K Mart, Rosie the roadblock has first amendment rights, but Fuzzy does not.
Shotgun. I was a K-mart the other day. The gun racks had only a very few rifles and shotgun. The ammo supply was a disaster. About all the had was .35 Remington. When I asked the clerk what was going on, he said they couldn't get any ammo. I asked what he had heard about K-mart not selling guna and ammo anymore. No answer; just a sick grin. I wonder if they plan on supporting the PIG rather than their cash paying customers?
Paul B.
Ya know I would complain about Kmart myself, but I honestly haven't shopped in those hell holes once in the last 10 years. Their stores just suck.
Let see now.
1) K-Mart sells guns.
2) We like guns.
3) Rosie makes ads for K-Mart
4) Rosie doesn't like guns.
5) We jump Rosie and tear her up! Yeah!
6) K-Mart stops selling guns.

Can anyone spell Pyrrhic victory?
Dennis, it's not just about the gun sales, individually I doubt if income realized by K-mart is worth much more than a sneeze. However, if you hunt, shoot, fish, hike, etc. you will need the accessories from somewhere. To me the somewhere is most anywhere but K-Mart and that will hurt the bottom line, might even drop the profit margin enough that Rosie won't get a bonus. If she does, you and I can take the satisfaction that it wasn't our money that went to her.