A Few Words of Explanation - Updated

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Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Certain people seem to have taken extreme offense at the way certain threads are allowed and others are summarily closed.

Here, in the Law and Civil Rights Forum at TFL, we have set some pretty strict guidelines as to what is acceptable and what is not.

What has never been addressed, yet has always been acceptable, are threads that encourage activism. Activism is by its very nature, a fully political beast. Reading the rules of this forum, a short-sighted person might think that because political threads are forbidden, then too, threads pertaining to activism come under that prohbition.

Such close-minded thinking couldn't be further from the truth.

This particular area of TFL is the only area where we discuss the laws of our our various States and the Nation as a whole. It is the only area where we can discuss our Liberties, Freedoms and Civil Rights, as Law may or may not affect them.

If all we can do is to enumerate and discuss these things without also discussing how we can motivate each other and become politically active to ensure our Liberties, then we fall far short of the goals of this forum.

I find it odd that I should have to write this missive, to remind a bunch of politically active 2A enthusiasts, why we keep activist threads open and close other (non-activist) political threads.

What I will say, is that if you still don't "get it," then you have failed to understand the ideals and goals of TFL that Rich Lucibella, our Owner, Founder and Patron, had envisioned from the beginning.

Al Norris (aka Antipitas)
L&CR Moderator
Conspiracy threads are not welcome at TFL. This should come as no news, to anyone that has been here for any length of time.

What has never been actually determined, is whether to simply close them, or delete them outright. With the help of the members, here in the L&CR forum, the moderators of TFL have reached a consensus.

All Conspiracy Threads or Posts will be deleted on sight.

No warning, no closing remarks. It will simply disappear from the board. Infractions may be given for opening a thread, or making a post. This will be up to the individual moderator that deletes them.

Note: These two posts will be incorporated into the body of the Law & Civil Rights Forum Rules after a few more weeks.

Glenn E. Meyer,
44 AMP,
Marko Kloos,
Mike Irwin,
L&CR Moderators.
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