A few, the happy few, off to Agincourt...

Laugh? It is not to laugh! War is serious stuff, Bubba! And what better way for all those hawks to prove their machismo?

Yes! Yes! Imagine how many sisters of the soul to Monica would do their utmost to give these Zouaves something to remember them by, something to fight for, something to come home to!

How could you possibly laugh at such a call to Heroism? Striker3, how could you not understand the seriousness of this patriotic opportunity to make the world safe for...Well, Monica, I guess...

Gee, it's hard to type when rolling on the floor...
I really wish he'd do it. He could prove himself to the world. I think he would make a great downrange observer And after all, when those pilots do make "mistakes", we just call it an accident. ;)

BTW: Slick couldn't shine Stonewall Jackson's boots.

Betcha he could sure powerful lick dem boots, tho :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Grayfox;Re your Downrange Observer-Years ago when I was in ARADCOM we spoke of an "In-flight Missile Maintenance Man". This position appears to be ideal as the final entry on olslicks resume.

Better days to be,

If President Clinton had the balls to do this I would have to check into a mental health facility. I would be certain I had lost touch with reality and become a hopeless psychopath.

Unfortunately, not only our Chief Executive but most of our general officers have lost their courage in the latter part of this century. Compare the casualty rates for general officers in conflicts occurring after 1950 to those occurring before then.

Mr. Clinton, has no integrity, no credibility, no courage, and enormous vanity.
By their actions shall you know them. Bill cares about Bill and no one else.